Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter (Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter) (2014)
list by kathy

list by kathy

Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter Videos
Added 3 years ago
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" Directed by: Nathan Zellner Produced by: Andrew Banks, Diedre Backs, Cameron Lamb, Alexander Payne, Nathan Zellner, and Rinko Kikuchi Written by: David Zellner and Nathan Zellner Cinematography: Sean Porter Edited by: Melba Jodorsky Music by: The Octopus Project Distributed by: Amplify "

"First Watched 2/7/2018 Remember last month when I mentioned the difficulty of adapting real life stories into films? In how they either become standard stories we have seen before (example: a band's origin: they go up against a record company, fight with each other, lose themselves in addiction or some other vice, then get back together or die) or become a story that is exaggerated and spruced up that it deviates from what actually happened in an effort to make it stand out more. Well Kumiko f"

"5.2. Mielenterveysongelmista kärsivä yksinäinen japanilaisnainen katsoo Fargo-elokuvan ja luulee elokuvassa piilotettua rahakätköä oikeaksi. Siispä on lähdettävä paikkakunnalle kaivamaan aarre esiin. Elokuvassa on visuaalista silmää erityisesti Kumikon värikkäässä pukeutumisessa suhteessa Fargon talvisiin maisemiin, mutta muiden vahvuuksien löytäminen on vähän hankalampaa. Nyt jo jokusen elokuvan nähtyäni elämäni aikana käsikirjoituksellisen tyhjäkäynnin kompensoimine"

"Kumiko, a Japanese office lady who lives in Tokyo, has only one hobby : treasures. She doesn't have any friends, and is really bored by her job. After seeing a VHS of "Fargo", she decides to travel to North Dakota to find the money hidden by Carl Showalter in the movie. This is a gem of a movie. Rinko Kikuchi appears under a new face with this introvert and amazing character, inspired by a true story. Director David Zellner really did a good job of balancing comedy and drama - never exaggerativ"

" Director: David Zellner Starring: Rinko Kikuchi, Nobuyuki Katsube, Shirley Venard and David Zellner A lonely Japanese woman becomes convinced that a satchel of money buried in a fictional film is, in fact, real. Abandoning her structured life in Tokyo for the frozen Minnesota wilderness, she embarks on an impulsive quest to search for her lost mythical fortune."