V/H/S/2 (2013)
list by diabolical dr voodoo

list by ToonHead2102

list by VierasTalo

V/H/S/2 Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
A superior follow-up
I have been wanting to see this since I saw the rumors that it would come out! Thank goodness for video on demand! This has one less video than the pr... read more
Excelled better than it's prodecessor.
For the segments, well...
Phase 1 - Clinical Trials - Really good novel idea! A man looking at ghosts through a camera implanted on his new eye along with some pretty decent... read more

Update feed

" The first V/H/S movie sucked. Yeah, I undetsand that that first flick has a bit of a cult following. And yeah, I don't mind being part of a cult. I mean, a bunch of people who get together because the world outisde rejected them and therefore they find comfort in each others' arms by enjoying a film that the rest of the movie viewing community ignored, I can get down with that. I like having disenfranchised friends. But V/H/S and me, we didn't click. It's as simple as that.After my initia"
“al igual que la anterior parte tambien tenemos cortos perturbadores y con mucho terror pero quiero destacar el corto safe haven es una obra maestra el terror , tiene sangre , una historia sumamente perturbadora y enganchante , te perturba a un grado extremo y quiza la mejor de toda la franquicia asi que por este corto la considero mejor que la primera” read more

"Bueno eso del potencial parece que lo tomaron en cuenta pues esta vez mejoran mucho las historias pero la verdad no tanto como para distanciarse muchísimo de la original."