Limitless (2011)
list by ToonHead2102
list by Agent Kermit D. Fonz
list by Moon River
list by DuckNation
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An average movie
Has Moments
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"Reason for the future sucking: Imagine you can be you, just only the better version of you, thanks to a drug, that you can be quickly addicted to. Year it takes place: Nowish"
" Directed by: Neil Burger Produced by: Leslie Dixon, Scott Kroopf, and Ryan Kavanaugh Written by: Leslie Dixon Based on the novel, "The Dark Fields" by: Alan Glynn Cinematography: Jo Willems Edited by: Naomi Geraghty and Tracy Adams Music by: Paul Leonard-Morgan Distributed by: Relativity Media"
"Una bella idea di base (una droga che potenzia all'infinito le capacità cerebrali) e una realizzazione non banale (mentre la sostanza fa effetto i colori diventano brillanti e la mdp fa fuge in avanti da mal di mare) vengono sprecati in una storia insipida che in alcuni punti pare tirata via. Sarebbe stato interessante che si approfondissero gli effetti collaterali, al dilà delle crisi di astinenza, e in special modo il rapporto con il prossimo di uno scrittore fallito che si ritrova a essere "
“Potential that this movies had was so stupidly abused: only in very, very limited American imagination you can use the power that this drug offers you”
" This movie was definitely cool. It was everything an action-thriller should be. A hero you could root for and the thing that gets him into trouble with all the wrong people. If you like Bradley Cooper at all, check this out."