Sling Blade (1997)
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- "I studied about it. The Bible says you ought not to. It says if you do that, you go off to Hades. Some folks call it Hell, I call it Hades."
This is without a doubt one of the most original and yet powerful and touching movies I have ever seen. This is true drama with Billy Bob showing his unique acting skil... read more
Sling Blade
A very good movie
UPC: 717951000118
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" Karl Childers, a simple man hospitalized since his childhood murder of his mother and her lover, is released to start a new life in a small town. However, Doyle, Linda’s abusive creep of a boyfriend, wants Karl out of the picture. Critics praised the film, and Billy Bob Thornton’s performance of Karl. With the movie garnering multiple awards including two Oscars."
" First Viewing Viewing Date: September 26th Via: Blu-ray Plot: Karl Childers, a simple man hospitalized since his childhood murder of his mother and her lover, is released to start a new life in small-town Arkansas. He befriends a young boy and his mother, but a confrontation begins to build with the mother's abusive boyfriend. Rating: 7.7/10"
"Billy Bob ei mene fullretard vaan juuri sopivasti. Miellyttävällä etelänaksentilla rykivä heikkolahjainen äidinmurhaaja vapautuu vankimielisairaalasta vuosikymmenien jälkeen ja tutustuu yhtä lailla vaikeissa oloissa kasvavaan pikkupoikaan. Tarina ei yllätä Juha Mietoakaan, mutta sen teatterimainen, viipyilevä toteutus lukuisine pitkine ottoineen sekä muutama ilahduttava pikku yllätys (esim: Robert Duvallin kameomainen vierailu, loppukohdan IlmestyskirjaNytmäisyys...) pitävät kats"