Ossessione (1943)
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A great classic
UPC: 014381117325

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" 6.1. Luchino Viscontin kaanon-klassikossa kulkurielÀmÀÀ viettÀvÀ erittÀin varteenotettava jÀpikkÀ silmÀilee ravitsemusliikkeen emÀntÀÀ. Nopean juonenkÀÀnteen jÀlkeen ollaan töissÀ emÀnnÀn miehellÀ ja suunnitellaan uuden ihastuksen kanssa tyypin tappamista, jotta oikea rakkaus voisi toteutua. TÀllaisia "Tapa mun mies!" "OK!" -leffoja löytyy kaanonista vÀhÀn turhankin paljon eikÀ Ossessione tarjoile juonikuvioon mitÀÀn uutta ja ihmeellistÀ. Leffa nÀyttÀÀ ihan kiva"

" Notes: I wonder if it was the first movie directed by Luchino Visconti that I managed to watch. Anyway, I remember it very well the first time I saw it. Indeed, back then I was studying in England, in Cambridge for a year, and I managed to follow a course about movies which was easily my favorite course. Every week we would watch a movie and talk about it, starting from the silent era going up to the 90âs. I think this movie was one of the first we watched and it had a great impact one me. A"

" Notes: I wonder if it was the first movie directed by Luchino Visconti that I managed to watch. Anyway, I remember it very well the first time I saw it. Indeed, back then I was studying in England, in Cambridge for a year, and I managed to follow a course about movies which was easily my favorite course. Every week we would watch a movie and talk about it, starting from the silent era going up to the 90âs. I think this movie was one of the first we watched and it had a great impact one me. A"

"1943 Top10 1. Ossessione 2. Casablanca 3. LumiÚre d'été 4. Vredens dag 5. Le corbeau 6. Shadow of a Doubt 7. The Ox-Bow Incident 8. Les anges du péché 9. For Whom the Bell Tolls 10. Goupi mains rouges"

" Notes: I wonder if it was the first movie directed by Luchino Visconti that I managed to watch. Anyway, I remember it very well the first time I saw it. Indeed, back then I was studying in England, in Cambridge for a year, and I managed to follow a course about movies which was easily my favorite course. Every week we would watch a movie and talk about it, starting from the silent era going up to the 90âs. I think this movie was one of the first we watched and it had a great impact one me. A"

"Luchino Viscontiâs Ossessione is the harmonious meeting of noir and neorealism, two styles that consistently revolve around downtrodden individuals on the fringes of society. Adapted from James M. Cainâs The Postman Always Rings Twice, Viscontiâs first feature film presents a critique of the Italian social order circa 1943 and benefits from its startling sensuality. Massimo Girottiâs drifter and Clara Calamaiâs oppressed housewife, victims of broken societal structures and consumed by "

" Notes: I wonder if it was the first movie directed by Luchino Visconti that I managed to watch. Anyway, I remember it very well the first time I saw it. Indeed, back then I was studying in England, in Cambridge for a year, and I managed to follow a course about movies which was easily my favorite course. Every week we would watch a movie and talk about it, starting from the silent era going up to the 90âs. I think this movie was one of the first we watched and it had a great impact one me. A"

" Rating iMDB: My Rating: Director: Actors: Genre: The Plot:"