Gran Torino (2008)
list by Chani
list by smalltux
list by Severin Severin
list by SchwarzerAbt
Gran Torino Videos
Added 5 years ago
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It made my day...a Gran(d) effort, Mr. Eastwood!
Unofficially billed as Clint Eastwood's swansong to acting, Gran Torino is an arresting and poignant drama infused with Eastwood's brilliantly distinctive filmmaking style. Eastwood's second directorial undertaking for 2008 (previously helming Changeling) and his first screen performance since 2004's Mi... read more
Grand Torino!
Disgruntled Korean War vet Walt Kowalski sets out to reform his neighbor, a young Hmong teenager, who tried to steal Kowalski's prized possession: his 1972 Gran Torino.
Clint ... read more
Clint proves once again he's still the 'always cool, but don't f*ck with me bad ass' we know from his previous films, even when he's an old man... read more
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" Clint Eastwood stars in the drama “Gran Torino,” marking his first film role since his Oscar-winning “Million Dollar Baby.” Eastwood also directs the film in which he plays Walt Kowalski, an iron-willed veteran living in a changing world, who is forced by his immigrant neighbors to confront his own long-held prejudices. Disgruntled Korean War veteran Walt Kowalski sets out to reform his neighbor, Lor, a Hmong teenager who tried to steal Kowalski's prized possession: a 1972 Gran Turin"
"(2008) Disgruntled Korean War vet Walt Kowalski sets out to reform his neighbor, a young Hmong teenager, who tried to steal Kowalski's prized possession: his 1972 Gran Torino."
"20.2. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Clint Eastwood on vanha rasisti, jota vituttaa kaikki. Erityisesti kaikki ulkomaalainen ja ulkomaalaistaustaiset ihmiset. Kunnes oppii elämästä hmong-naapuriensa avulla. Periaatteessa sentimentalistista satuilua, mikä nyt osuu, koska oon jo vanha, mutta äkäisen kyrvän kaari ei tietyissä nyansseissaan kuitenkaan ole ihan noin yksoikoinen, vaan ihan uskottava ja noh - tavallaan liikuttava. Eastwoodin kiukkuinen murina ja lämpimän rasistiset herjat hymyilyt"
"Clint Eastwood siempre ha mostrado ideales masculinos en sus películas y acá abordó esto en un contexto de nuevas olas inmigratorias a Estados Unidos y la amenaza de grupos pandilleros. Normalmente en este tipo de películas se trata de imponer una cultura sobre otra debido a que la tradicional ya no tiene cabida en el mundo actual, pero creo que acá es una excepción. Ambas partes se complementan y forman un vínculo donde aprenden mucho del otro, y la cultura de ambos lados se complementan"
" The neighborhood is changing. With the exception of one neighbor... yep, that's right.... the guy who is the subject of this particular list, good ol' Clint Eastwood himself. Or more specifically, Clint Eastwood playing a neighbor named Walter Kowalski. An old veteran set in his ways but living in an area that is continually changing. And one of the things that is changing is that the streets are not as safe as they used to be. For him or for the immigrants who are moving in. Forcing Kowalski"
" "Get off my lawn!" Written by Nick Schenk and Dave Johannson Music by Kyle Eastwood and Michael Stevens Cinematography by Tom Stern Editing by Joel Cox and Gary Roach"
" "Get off my lawn!" Directed by Clint Eastwood Written by Nick Schenk and Dave Johannson Music by Kyle Eastwood and Michael Stevens Cinematography by Tom Stern Editing by Joel Cox and Gary Roach"
"First viewing - Apr. 10th HBO Max Gran Torino is a mess, but it's a watchable one I guess. Racist jerk does the white savior thing for his neighbors after they force their way into his life & he realizes they're not as worthless as he'd assumed. I'm sure Eastwood's heart is in the right place, but the execution is horribly misguided. I liked his neighbors, & think this story told from their perspective would be far more interesting. Of course to do right that you'd have to get a Hmong writer & "
“I saw Gran Torino mainly as an admirer of Clint Eastwood, both as an actor and as director. And I was very impressed, there were parts that amused me and others that had me moved. Gran Torino was a very well made and beautifully directed movie, complete with a fitting soundtrack, a strong script with smooth enough tone shifts and a powerful message that is well conveyed and one that I think many, myself included, would identify with. The story is mostly engaging with an interesting protagonist, but there are a few moments where it is hackneyed and predictable, which is my only criticism of this movie. In regard to the acting, Clint Eastwood gives a very commanding performance and the kids are also very good mostly. Overall, very well done. 9/10 Bethany Cox” read more
“I enjoyed this film. Eastwood is about as snarly as I've ever seen him. He has taken Archie Bunker to the next level. He terrorizes his neighbors, is hateful to his children, and incredibly intolerant of a changing world. With that said, this is a story about redemption. It comes in small increments and the charm is not in what happens eventually, but what happens in each small doses. His slow developing relationship with the Hmong family next door. Because he steps in in a crisis situation, their culture sees him as a hero and sets out to reward him. They bring him endless presents and food. Because he leads such a lonely existence, he is slowly, but surely, pulled in. He keeps a balance of hatred for the punks he sees with a true love for those who have befriended him.l
The who” read more
" Walt Kowalski Clint's an angry old man who hates the human race, and he'll get violent if you piss him off. "
""Ever notice how you come across somebody who you never should've f#cked with?That's me." Clint Eastwood is probably the only senior citizen on this planet that could get away with saying something like that and at the same time, making you sh#t your pants before the old man sh#ts his first. "
" Много разных вопросов поднимается. Нужно признать, что такого деда не хватает многим. Любо знать, что Клинт Иствуд под пенсию не сел на своей вилле и ждал смерти, а снимал неплохой кинч. "