Going Clear: Scientology & the Prison of Belief (2015)
list by Miika

Going Clear: Scientology & the Prison of Belief Videos
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"Pros: Interesting and well-made documentary; exposes the crazy and disturbing world of Scientology; angered Scientologists. Cons: Most if not all of the information presented is already out there (I haven't yet read the book on which this film is based; however, I've watched other programs and read quite a bit about Scientology, so nothing in 'Going Clear' was really "new" to me)."

"8.1. Skientologiasta kertova dokkari on hyvin mielenkiintoinen läpileikkaus "kirkon" sisälle siitä eronneiden paljastusten saattelemana. Dokumenttielokuvana se ei tarjoa teknisellä puolella mitään uutta ja mullistavaa, vaan haastatteluja ja arkistokuvamateriaalia. Tällaisessa dokumentissa aiheen tulee sitten olla hyvin mielenkiintoinen, jotta jaksan seurata leffaa. Going Clearissa aihe on hyvin mielenkiintoinen. Vanhan (yli 35v) Tom Cruisen nauru skientologivideolla on painajaismateriaa"

" 8.0/10 We didn't need a documentary to show how crazy this 'religion' is; but I'm thankful for the great Alex Gibney and company, as it really 'clarifies' all the reasons to despise the group and its people in a very polished manner. Gibney is known for his tremendous storytelling in documentary form and his innate ability to gain access to anyone and anywhere. Sorry, Travolta."

"John Travolta rähisee armeijapuku päällä, että skientologia on maailman ainoa uskonto, joka ei tule harjoittaan minkäänlaista sotaa."

" 6.22 Documentary that exposes the true nature of Scientology is an eye-opener for anyone who, well, gives a damn about L.Ron Hubbard's religious cult of the mind. "