Deepwater Horizon
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An engaging, harrowing disaster pic
A good movie
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" Jimmy Harrell "I worry about my rig! My people live on it. You just rent it!""
" Cast : Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell, Gina Rodriguez, John Malkovich, Kate Hudson What was it about? A dramatization of the disaster in April 2010, when the offshore drilling rig called the Deepwater Horizon exploded, resulting in the worst oil spill in American history. My two cents: I have to admit that I was actually positively surprised by the damned thing. Of course, it was still a rather straightforward disaster flick but the big difference with the other movies in this genre is that i"
“I wasn't really sure what to expect from this flick but since I have a weak spot for Mark Wahlberg, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, to be honest, I have to admit that I was actually positively surprised by the damned thing. Of course, it was still a rather straightforward disaster flick but the big difference with the other movies in this genre is that it was based on some actual events and, to increase even more its impact, Peter Berg made sure that the whole thing was or, at least, felt really realistic. Sure, there were some moments that I didn't really follow all the technical stuff the characters were talking about but it didn't matter, the set really felt lived in and you really had the feeling that you were on an actual offshore drilling rig. Then, when it did start to” read more
"BP sirketi petrol cikartmak isterken biraz fazla acele eder ve ondan sonra da olanlar olur. Yasanmis bir hikaye olmasi konuyu cok kasvetli hale getiriyor. Ortada gercek bir doğa katliami var tam olarak. Sahneler nefis, gercekten olayin icindeymis kadar yakin gercege. Oyuncu kadrosu oldukca tatminkar. Basindan bir an kalkmadan bana kendini izlettiren film olmustur. Sene icinde izledigim en iyi filmlerden biri. Mutlaka izlemenizi tavsiye ediyorum."
"13.8, Netflix Öljynporauslautalla räjähtelee ja Mark Wahlbergin täytyy pelastaa kaikki. Katastrofielokuvana aikamoinen klisee, mutta vaaran tuntua tähän on luotu välillä ihan kivasti, mikä tottakai on tarpeellista tätä lajityyppiä edustettaessa. Räjähdyksiä ja palavaa irtaimistoa varotaan kuitenkin suurin osa elokuvan kestosta, mikä käy nopeasti tylsäksi. Kurttu Russellin mukanaolo on aina plussaa."