Bullets Over Broadway (1994)
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A good movie

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" Struggling 1920s playwright David Shayne (John Cusack), having failed to secure financing for his latest work, reluctantly makes a deal with mob boss Nick Valenti, a Broadway debut with the chance to direct, as long as Nick's flibbertigibbet girlfriend, Olive, plays one of the lead roles. As Olive and star Helen Sinclair attempt to upstage each other, Olive's gangland bodyguard Cheech starts suggesting changes to David's script. Bullets Over Broadway is a 1994 American black comedy crime film"

"Excellent performances! Such a raw feel in them, what shows that Allen doesn't rehearse his scenes but trusts actors talent."
“I already saw this movie but since it was such a long time ago and since I had it on DVD, I was really eager to check it out again. In fact, I first saw it when it was released but, to be honest, at the time, I didn't care much for it and I never really understood why it was such a critical hit back then but maybe I was just too young (14-15 years old) to really appreciate it. Well, I'm really glad I gave it a 2nd chance since it turned to be really enjoyable this time around. Indeed, even though I still don't think it was Woody Allen's deepest movie, it was still really funny and entertaining. Basically, even though the premise was actually rather straightforward and predictable, the dialogues were really good and some of the supporting characters were quite hilarious. I still wasn't real” read more

"When: December 29th First-Time Viewing: Yes. How: DVD from the library. What'd I Think?: A clever, smart and witty film, may be Woody Allen's best film, and certainly his most underrated. My Rating: 10/10 Other Notes: NA."

"Santo Loquasto (Art Director), Susan Bode (Set Decorator) "

"THE CLASSICS YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN BY NOW Dianne Wiest When Helen Sinclair, the gleefully outre (and infinitely quotable) actress, finally barrels into Allen’s ebullient backstage comedy, she is heard first: a stentorian baritone, lobbing ultimatums from a staircase. (“I’m still a star!” she bellows. “I never play frumps or virgins!”) We recognize the type, sight unseen. Helen is not, after all, the first great actress to masquerade as a sequins-dripping star. Boozy and hot-blooded, s"

"September 27 "I have never had a play produced. That's right. And I've written one play a year for the past twenty years." "Yes, but that's because you're a genius. And the proof is that both common people and intellectuals find your work completely incoherent. Means you're a genius." Bullets Over Broadway is the best out of the two Woody Allen films with the word broadway in the title, but it still isn't anything special. Unlike Broadway Danny Rose though this movie does have a lot more goi"