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yord's Top 100 Honorable Mentions Video Games List
Game list created by yord 
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Showing 1-50 of 100
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NEO Scavenger - PC Games
The setting and old-school styles of this indie game really caught my attention and held it. Featuring an incredibly brutal near-future where you have no idea what is going on, but must find out. Do you risk talking to the person you see in the distance, or do you try to hide? Is it worth trying to raid this seemingly abandoned skyscraper? Is this 2x4 an effective weapon? Check this game out!
yord's rating:

Battlefield 1942 - PC Games
Very fun LAN game and one of the original pioneers of the huge multiplayer game format. Really well-done vehicle implementation. No one is ever too overpowered in any vehicle.
yord's rating:

Rayman: Raving Rabbids - Nintendo Wii
A highly entertaining party game aimed at a weird niche. Basically a mutated version of Wario Ware. Me likey.
yord's rating:

WWF Raw - Sega Genesis and Mega Drive
One of the best pro-wrestling games, made better because the superstars of my childhood actually had memorable personalities and personas. And managers! Remember managers? Remember Paul Bearer?
yord's rating:

Max Payne - PC Games
A gritty, noir game that embraced bullet-time and made it its own. Very fun to jump through a window in slow motion while popping off rounds into psychopaths. I personally really liked the graphic novel style they went with for the cinematics, too.
yord's rating:

Super Bomberman - Super famicom and SNES
I was introduced to this while drunk and declare and have declared it the best drinking game ever since.
yord's rating:

Sleeping Dogs - PC Games
Arguably took the best of the GTA series (large, detailed open-world; gang life) and the Arkham Asylum series (streamlined combat system) and made it into a fresh experience set in the underbelly of the Triads of Hong Kong. A mature and somewhat complex story, great voice acting, lots to do and a soundtrack that I'm still reeling about (Bei Bei, Menahan Street Band, Bonobo, Charles Bradley, ...) secured this game a spot on my favorites list.
yord's rating:

Pilotwings 64 - Nintendo 64
We owned this game because my dad is a pilot and liked to play flying games, but I ended up liking it a lot more than I thought I would have--especially as the Birdman. Or free-flying in the gyrocopter and just driving on the roads in the USA map.
yord's rating:

Super Mario 64 - Nintendo 64
Wonderful music and an added dimension really opened up a world of possibilities for Mario and the creative minds at Nintendo. The most perfectly executed title launch for a new gaming system to date, in my opinion.
yord's rating:

Hawken - PC Games
Frenetic mech action that is free AND fun to play! One of the better FPS games I've played--you feel like you are in a huge mech, but it does not feel like you are bogged down in any way.
yord's rating:

Reigns - PC Games
A simple card game concept made into a compelling and amusing video game that pits you against the luck of the draw as you try to stay in the throne for as long as you can, avoiding death at every corner. Dark, silly, and a slick design makes for a great casual game.
yord's rating:

Darkest Dungeon - PC Games
Dark, indeed. Hope you are comfortable with death! This game pulls no punches, especially in the depths of the darkest dungeons. Very atmospheric and interesting setting, with a challenging execution of the unique gameplay.
yord's rating:

Nidhogg - PC Games
A simple, 1v1 setup--you must go left. Your opponent must go right. Slay them, so that you might succeed! Bumping music, iconic visuals, and flawless gameplay that will keep your attention, if only for the few minutes required for as many matches.
yord's rating:

Toribash - PC Games
The most unique fighting game I've ever seen! Think "Vetrix" for the SEGA Genesis, combined with The Matrix--you are a collection of physics balls that represent your limbs and muscles, and must manually coordinate your body to make kung-fu moves against your opponent. Hilarious fights that often times end with both people stumbling because its hard enough just STANDING UP, as opposed to throwing a roundhouse kick!
yord's rating:

The Stanley Parable - PC Games
Basically one giant Easter egg--and a fantastic and unique experience all its own.
yord's rating:

Gone Home - PC Games
A minimalist love story set in a seemingly abandoned house. Subversive in that it makes you think it will be scary, when really it just uses your heightened emotions to give you a memorable narrative experience.
yord's rating:

Papers, Please - PC Games
Another truly unique gaming experience that certainly would not be called "fun" but is engaging and addicting none the less. Emotionally punishing if you are invested in this world created by a single developer, but thrilling none the less, the story that is told is one that will keep you intrigued and coming back for more.
yord's rating:

Team Fortress 2 - PC Games
Wasn't really too into this game when it first came out, but leave it to Valve to keep the online community engaged--the damn thing is FREE and they have been adding maps and content regularly since it was released. And it's FUN!
yord's rating:

The Walking Dead: Season 2 - PC Games
Was not as powerful as season one, but a worthy sequel to this gritty series.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles In Time... - Super famicom and SNES
"Big Apple, 3AM"
Nuff said.
Nuff said.
yord's rating:

Indigo Prophecy - PC Games
I constructed this very list due to this game being bumped off of my Top 100 list because I still wanted to give it honors as being a memorable experience--even if the last half of the game is a bad memory, that goes to show how superb the first half is.
yord's rating:

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - PlayStation 3
My first and only foray into the Uncharted series was a non-stop adrenaline-filled thrill ride. Did not expect to have such a colorful and fun time as I did!
yord's rating:

L.A. Noire - Xbox 360
Years of development and top-of-the-line motion capture equipment made this game stick out in my mind as one of the best ever. A shame that the development studio went under after. There is only a limited amount of replay value, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't play it--everyone should at least once!
yord's rating:

Garry's Mod - PC Games
This is just a good ol' time, wrapped up in a silly mod. Used to be free before they revamped it and added tons of new features--definitely worth the buy if you like to make hilarious scenes of chaos and silliness, with explosions and balloons!
yord's rating:

Half-Life: Opposing Force - PC Games
From that grand and golden era of gaming where developers would let you experience the same story from not only the perspective of the hero but those trying to stop you. Done right and done well.
yord's rating:

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness - PC Games
One of the first RTS games I had for myself and enjoyed thoroughly. I just love(d) the lore behind the WarCraft series, and the pen and ink art was a huge inspiration for me as a kid.
yord's rating:

Natural Selection 2 - PC Games
I've still only experienced the multiplayer mode of this game, but it was enough to bring it up to this high of a ranking on that alone. This is the game that AvP wanted to be.
yord's rating:

Left 4 Dead - PC Games
One of my all-time favorite games. All of the awesome original campaigns have been converted to be playable in the upgraded engine of L4D2, so this version is somewhat obsolete these days, but the quality remains.
yord's rating:

The Walking Dead: 400 Days - PC Games
More intensity from the crew at Telltale Games. Done very well, just a little on the short side but still just as compelling as the original game.
yord's rating:

F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon - PC Games
One of those somewhat-forgotten games that made a splash at release and then the series lost its luster after countless bland sequels. The original is still a blast!
yord's rating:

Warcraft: Orcs & Humans - PC Games
I used to play this game with my cousin on his PC. Could be my first foray into gaming culture. Either way, it was a great first step! Still wishing they did not get rid of cobbled roads!
yord's rating:

Oni - PC Games
Another one of those little-appreciated games that I thought was a great time. Somewhat confusing plot, but definitely entertaining hand-to-hand combat makes this one of my more memorable games.
yord's rating:

Frozen Synapse - PC Games
This game was gifted to me by my great friend, GruntLogic, and I was immediately taken by its style and atmosphere. The music is some of the best, too!
yord's rating:

Dota 2 - PC Games
As a continuation of a free mod from WarCraft III, this game succeeds. Being that it is free to play itself makes it awesome. Feels like the same game, except with much better graphics!
yord's rating:

Ace of Spades - PC Games
Some might knock this as a Minecraft ripoff, but this game couldn't be further from that experience! Non-stop action in a fully destructable world, plus many different modes equals an awesome new LAN game!
yord's rating:

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - PC Games
I remember hyping this game up to all of my friends, and they all bought a copy... and I did not. Took me a while to get my own copy but I was definitely hooked even while just watching my friends play through it.
yord's rating:

Sid Meier's Civilization V - PC Games
Not my first, nor was it my 2nd Civilization game, but things just seemed much more polished and streamlined from the last in the series so I enjoyed it very much. Still didn't bring me to the same joys I had with Civilization III, but a great time nonetheless.
yord's rating:

Black & White - PC Games
I have a lot of great memories about this game. I never did beat it, but I thought it was revolutionary as a young adult. Not nearly as impressive these days, but it set the stage for more realistic A.I.
yord's rating:

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl - PC Games
The atmosphere and style of this game and series is clearly a labor of love, and it benefits from this in almost every aspect, though sometimes the love of Russians can be a little bizarre.
yord's rating:

Red Faction: Guerrilla - Xbox 360
Another game that I have not touched the single player campaign on. The destructible environments and competitive matches based on chaos and destruction is what will keep you coming back for just one more round.
yord's rating:

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch - PC Games
A classic LAN game of my past and present--fast-paced, winding levels with some cool events in some of them (calling a missile strike that kills everyone is always fun in a DM game), and an awesome mod community guarantees this game will continue to amuse me for years to come.
yord's rating:

Mafia - PC Games
This game is kind of like GTA except in the prohibition era--and you have to abide by traffic laws. That might not sound fun, but I sure enjoyed the verisimilitude of the setting. And the story has a classic ending to die for.
yord's rating:

BioShock - PlayStation 3
Wasn't as blown away as some of my friends by this game, but the eerie setting, level design, and combat kept my interest and saw me through to the end.
yord's rating:

Team Fortress Classic - PC Games
One of the best LAN games ever, still! I prefer the classic CTF/TDM in this game over TF2, and though the graphics have not aged well it still retains a certain charm to it that I adore.
yord's rating:

Hybrid Heaven - Nintendo 64
Quite possibly the most underrated Nintendo 64 game out there, this was missed by most and under-appreciated by the rest. One of the coolest mixes of genres attempted--adventure, RPG, fighting--and it is a pleasure to play.
yord's rating:

Battletoads In Battlemaniacs - Super famicom and SNES
Well-known in gaming circles as a nigh-impossible challenge, I used to have a gas playing the fancier SNES version with my brother. It was just as difficult.
yord's rating:

Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine - PC Games
My brother got this stylish game for me as a gift. I only tried it out for a short time at a LAN but it was a goofy fun time, coordinating 4 players to infiltrate and steal all the goods from a given building. Reminded me a lot of Bonanza Bros, which enjoys a spot on my Top 100.
yord's rating:

Super Mario Bros. 3 - Famicom and NES
Definitely a more cohesive Mario game than it's previous iteration, and it benefits a lot from that consistency. Many memorable hours were spent jumping around in this classic game.
yord's rating:

Final Fantasy VIII - PlayStation
This is really the only Final Fantasy game that I've played. And I must say, I enjoyed it, though I did not beat it. Cool setting and a relatively down-to-Earth story, compared to the colorful craziness in the sequels that followed.
yord's rating:

Proteus - PC Games
One big sound and interaction experiment that works well as an ambient exploring game, but that's about it. Definitely memorable, and a unique style that has cemented it in my mind as a good, though short experience.
yord's rating:

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Finally felt the true need for this after Indigo Prophecy fell off the Top 100. So, these games are totally rad, too.
Updated August 1st, 2017.
Updated August 1st, 2017.
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7 votes
Videogame Games Nostalgic Childhood List
(11 lists)list by rollcallaction
Published 7 years, 6 months ago
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