Papers, Please - PC Games
list by GruntLogic

list by shotswerefired

list by Exclusive

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Introducing a new genre: The Bureaucracy-em-up.
You take on the role of a border check-point processing drone, in what feels like an early 80's Soviet satellite country. Your job is the soul-crushing drudgery of processing hopeful applicants to your (fictional) country of Arstotzka.
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"I really feel like this game is establishing a new genre, because I don't know of anything quite like it. The Bureaucracy-em-up. You take on the role of a border check-point processing drone, in what feels like an early 80's Soviet satellite country. Your job is the soul-crushing drudgery of processing hopeful applicants to your (fictional) country of Arstotzka. Your job is to weed out all applications who do not file their papers in the exact way demanded. Name misspelled? DENIED. Discrepancy"

"Finished on 7th of March, Steam Tämä jos mikä on peli, joka loistaa omaperäisyydellään. Erittäin nopeatempoinen peli, jossa pelaat tullivirkailijana ja tarkastat maahantulijoiden paperit. Vaikeusaste kasvaa todella nopeasti ja pian passin lisäksi tarvitaan henkilökortti, työlupatodistus ja muuta mukavaa. Bongattavat virheet ovat niin hiuksenhienoja, mutta tekemistään virheistä oppii nopeasti. Kiitettävän hyvä juonikin näin minimalistisella pulmapelillä ja vapaus valita, auttaa"

"Good, a little bit depressing indie game. I played it for a few hours."