Max Payne - PC Games
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Max Payne Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
One of my favorite games of all time!
Release date: 23 July 2001
Number of discs: 1
EAN: 5026555034302

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"3.12. Had to play this one again after God knows how many years. Max Payne is still a great game, but there are some technical problems because it's so old. For one thing, I don't think there's any official updated edition available that would run on modern systems and some of the drivers are out of date and switched off on Windows. On Linux and Wine this thing works just fine."
One of my favorite games of all time!
“Warning: SpoilersI've played quite a few video games in my lifetime, but none have grabbed me half as much as the Max Payne games. I love the dark neo-noir vibe the series gives off. And the first of the series is no exception. This game is brilliant. This game holds up today and that is amazing. Especially considering this games age, I've tried to replay many games from my childhood and none of them seem to be close to how good I viewed them to be as a kid. But this is one game where no matter how many times I play it just keeps getting better. The story is gripping and its a shame that 20th Century Fox messed up the movie the way they did. Because I feel that if they movie even had half as much intensity and story telling ability as the game, it would've been a success. The game play in ” read more

"A gritty, noir game that embraced bullet-time and made it its own. Very fun to jump through a window in slow motion while popping off rounds into psychopaths. I personally really liked the graphic novel style they went with for the cinematics, too."

"Klassikoilla ja nuoruuden suosikkipeleillä jatketaan. Kakkososaa olen pelannut paljon enemmän kuin ykköstä, joten siinä mielessä oli mielenkiintoista virkistää muistia minkälainen peli tämä lopulta olikaan. Tyylillisesti peli on varsin mainio, konseptina varsinkin. Noir-tyylillä ei ennen eikä jälkeenkään pahemmin ole peleissä leikitelty, joten ehdottomasti pisteet omaperäisyydestä. Ensimmäisen pelin budjetti on toki ollut varsin vaatimaton, mikä näkyy tiettynä harrastelij"

" Track Name: Max Payne Theme Composer: Kartsy Hatakka System: PC"