Twins of Cinema
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Their Finest (2017)
Two sets of the same twins:
The twins acting as the real twins (picture yet to be found)
And then there are the actress twins playing the twins acting as the real twins:
The twins acting as the real twins (picture yet to be found)
And then there are the actress twins playing the twins acting as the real twins:
Stehako's rating:
This list was created by Stephen H Koontz
Twins can be creepy, funny, adventurous and manipulative... so really they're no different than most characters in cinema.
BUT still worth making a list to show my favorite twins of cinema. Enjoy!
Twins can be creepy, funny, adventurous and manipulative... so really they're no different than most characters in cinema.
BUT still worth making a list to show my favorite twins of cinema. Enjoy!
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