Overlooked and/or Underrated Gems of Cinema
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Showing 39 items
List Type:
The Vicious Kind (2009)
Very Overlooked, A bit unknown, underrated.
IMDb votes: a little over 2,000
Listal Votes: 60
IMDb Rating: a 7.1, which is good, but I think it deserves better.
Listal Rating: 6.8
My Rating: 9.5
IMDb votes: a little over 2,000
Listal Votes: 60
IMDb Rating: a 7.1, which is good, but I think it deserves better.
Listal Rating: 6.8
My Rating: 9.5
The Cineast's rating:
The Fan (1996)
Very Underrated.
IMDb Rating: 5.8
Listal Rating: 5.3
My Rating: 7.9
IMDb Rating: 5.8
Listal Rating: 5.3
My Rating: 7.9
The Cineast's rating:
What Doesn't Kill You (2008) (2009)
Overlooked, Unknown, Underrated.
IMDb Votes: about 5.5 thousand
Listal Votes: 45
IMDb Rating: 6.7
Listal Rating: 6.1
My Rating: 8.4
IMDb Votes: about 5.5 thousand
Listal Votes: 45
IMDb Rating: 6.7
Listal Rating: 6.1
My Rating: 8.4
The Cineast's rating:
Meet Bill (2008)
Overlooked, Underrated.
IMDb Votes: almost 10,000 (that's a good amount, but it's still overlooked.)
Listal Votes: 111
IMDb Rating: 6.4
Listal Rating: 6.0
My Rating: 7.8
IMDb Votes: almost 10,000 (that's a good amount, but it's still overlooked.)
Listal Votes: 111
IMDb Rating: 6.4
Listal Rating: 6.0
My Rating: 7.8
The Cineast's rating:
Bully (2001)
Overlooked, Unknown.
IMDb Votes: 18+ thousand (It's a good amount, but I don't ever hear anyone talking about it.)
Listal Votes: 248
IMDb Votes: 18+ thousand (It's a good amount, but I don't ever hear anyone talking about it.)
Listal Votes: 248
The Cineast's rating:
The Loved Ones (2009)
Pretty Unknown, though Rotten Tomatoes has it at 96% for the time being, so it's definitely not underrated.
The Cineast's rating:
IMDb Rating: 6.5
Listal Rating: 5.7
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 37%
My Rating: 8.3
IMDb Rating: 6.5
Listal Rating: 5.7
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 37%
My Rating: 8.3
The Cineast's rating:
Underrated, Relatively Unknown.
IMDb Rating: 6.7
Listal Votes: 325
Listal Rating: 6.2
IMDb Rating: 6.7
Listal Votes: 325
Listal Rating: 6.2
The Cineast's rating:
Open Water (2004)
Underrated, Relatively Overlooked.
IMDb Rating: 5.7
Listal Votes: 364
Listal Rating: 5.2
IMDb Rating: 5.7
Listal Votes: 364
Listal Rating: 5.2
The Cineast's rating:
Tony (2009)
Extremely Unknown, Overlooked, Underrated.
IMDb Votes: a little over 1,000
IMDb Rating: 6.1
Listal Votes: 35
Listal Rating: 6.3
IMDb Votes: a little over 1,000
IMDb Rating: 6.1
Listal Votes: 35
Listal Rating: 6.3
The Cineast's rating:
The Horseman (2008)
Pretty much the perfect revenge flick. You won't regret checking this one out.
The Cineast's rating:
I found the following list of films to be gems. Some were great, and others were good, but a lot of people have not seen them, or just skip them do to the fact that they don't look worthwhile.
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