Directed By: Sam Mendes
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American Beauty (1999)
It doesn't get any better than Sam Mendes' Masterfully executed and gorgeous American Beauty. The greatest drama ever conceived on the big screen. In my opinion, of course.
The Cineast's rating:
While this may not fall into the category of great, it's still a very powerful and entertaining piece of work from future directing great Sam Mendes. Leonardo Dicaprio does not disappoint either, as usual, and the chemistry between him and Winslet is dead-on.
The Cineast's rating:
This film got high praise from critics and movie-goers, and I can easily see why, but for some reason it just didn't phase me very much. It was a solid gangster drama, but not anything particularly special. One good thing I can point out though was Tom Hanks' performance, he is always great.
The Cineast's rating:
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