Comic Book Beauties
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Secret Identity: N/A
Power & Abilities: Telepathy, telekinesis, and can shapeshift her skin into a diamond-like (both in terms of strength and appearance) texture.
Known Affiliations: X-Men, The Hellfire Club
Her Story: Frost first appeared in comics as the deadly White Queen of the Hellfire Club, serving as a perennial thorn in the side of the X-Men for decades until she eventually was reformed. Since then, she has become one of the X-Men's most reliable (albeit non-trust worthy) soldiers, and serves as an instructor at the Xavier School.
Secret Identity: Princess Diana of of Themyscira, Diana Prince
Powers & Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed stamina and durability. Flight. Skilled in all forms of combat. Ability to discern truth via her Magic Lasso.
Known Affiliations: The Amazons of Themyscira, Justice League of America
Her Story: Arguably the most popular superheroine in pop culture and a feminist icon, Wonder Woman was sent to the world of man (i.e. everything that isn't the Island of Themyscira) to bestow the Amazonian ideals of love and peace. And when that wouldn't work, she's go and kick some serious ass.
Secret Identity: Kara Zor-El
Powers & Abilities: All the powers of her cousin, Superman.
Known Affiliations: Legion of Superheroes, Justice League of America, The Superman Family
Her Story: Despite her infamous death in Crisis on Infinite Earths, Supergirl has since returned to form in the DCU (oh, comic book death...) and stands as one of the company's top superheroines. She currently serves alongside the JLA at the request of Batman during the "Brightest Day" crossover event.
Movie Counterpart: Helen Slater in Supergirl
Secret Identity: Anna Marie
Powers & Abilities: A mutant who can absorb someone powers and memories by simply making skin-to-skin contact.
Known Affiliations: X-Men, Brotherhood of Evil Mutant
Her Story: The Southern Belle of the X-Men, Rogue was originally the adopted daughter of evil mutant Mystique who brought her into the fold of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. She later joined the X-Men after absorbing the powers of Ms. Marvel and fearing for her sanity as well as wanting to learn how to control her abilities.
Movie Counterpart: Anna Paquin in X-Men, X2: X-Men United and X-Men: The Last Stand
Secret Identity: Betsy Braddock
Powers & Abilities: Telepathy, telekinesis, precognition, psychic blades, master of martial arts, sexy British accent
Known Affiliations: X-Men, X-Force, Excalibur, Captain Britain Corps
Her Story: Having got her start with the U.K. wing of Marvel, Psylocke -- a purple-haired mutant with incredible psychic abilities -- soon found her way stateside, joining up with Professor X's team of X-Men and serving as one of their most powerful allies.
Secret Identity: Natalia "Natasha" Alianovna Romanova
Powers & Abilities: Government treatments have slowed her aging, augmented her immune system and enhanced her physical durability.
Known Affiliations: formerly Thunderbolts, Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., Daredevil's Unnamed Super-Hero Team, Queen's Vengeance, Champions of Los Angeles, Lady Liberators, FSB, and K.G.B
Her Story: A descendant of Russian royalty, Natasha Romanov was abandoned as a child and found by soldier Ivan Petrovich. A ballerina in her youth, she joined Russia's K.G.B. and became an elite intelligence operative, a combination of consummate skill and classified government enhancements of her natural abilities. She also became infamous as an often-wed, often-widowed heartbreaker whose husbands (beginning with test pilot turned intelligence agent Alexi Shostakov) tended to suffer "unfortunate accidents", a quirk which may have influenced her choice of long-term code name: the Black Widow. She eventually embarked on a lucrative freelance spy career.
Secret Identity: Zatanna Zatara
Powers & Abilities: Master of all things magic.
Known Affiliations: Justice League of America, Seven Soldiers of Victory
Her Story: Zatanna originally appeared in DC lore as a stage magician, but after the mysterious disappearance of her father, she soon devotes her inherited skills as a Homo magi to fighting crime. Much ike the creepy dwarf from Twin Peaks, Zatanna casts spells by speaking backwards, and despite her silly outfit (c'mon, DC apologists -- she's dressed like a Vegas cocktail waitress!) has been a valuable ally for the forces of good in the DCU.
Secret Identity: Kara Zor-L
Powers & Abilities: Super-strength, speed and invulnerability. Flight, and extra-sensory powers.
Known Affiliations: Justice Society of America, Justice League of America
Her Story: With quite possible the most...recognizable costumes in all of comics, Power Girl is a force to be reckoned with in the DCU. The Earth-2 counterpart of Supergirl, Power Girl has all of the powers of Superman, only with the added bonus of a ridiculously-distracting outfit.
Secret Identity: Felicia Hardy
Powers & Abilities: Expert martial artist, gymnast and cat burglar (naturally), superhuman sense of smell, and is equipped with polarized mesh claws in her gloves and a grapnel lines in the wrists of her costume.
Known Affiliations: Heroes for Hire
Her Story: Much like her, ahem, Distinguished Competition counterpart, the Black Cat has been known throughout her history as one of the Marvel Universe's most skilled cat burglars, although from time to time she's sided on the cause for good. Likewise, Black Cat has also managed to catch the attention of the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (but don't tell MJ!).
Secret Identity: Dinah Lance
Powers & Abilities: The "Canary Cry" -- an ultrasonic, paralyzing scream. Also an expert in hand-to-hand combat.
Known Affiliations: Justice Society of America, Justice League of America, Bird of Prey
Her Story: One of the only superheroines that can get away with rocking fishnet stocking as part of her costume, Black Canary has been busting heads (and eardrums) since the late 1940's.
Secret Identity: Dr. Harleen Quinzel
Powers & Abilities: Skilled gymnast, bat-$#!%-crazy.
Known Affiliations: Secret Society of Supervillain
Her Story: It takes a special breed of crazy to fall head-over-heels for the Joker, and Harley Quinn is the definition of that crazy. A formerly respected criminal psychologist, Quinn became infatuated with the supervillain during one of his many stints at Arkham Asylum and has been his "puddin'" (and a giant annoyance for Batman) ever since.
Secret Identity: Selina Kyle
Powers & Abilities: Superior athletic ability, master of multiple fighting techniques, expert burglar and equipped with numerous weapons such as retractable, razor-sharp claws and the cat o' nine tails.
Known Affiliations: Outsiders, The Batman Family, Birds of Prey, Secret Society of Supervillains, Injustice Society
Her Story: It's hard to tell which side of the law Catwoman's fighting on, but clearly it's the side that serves her best. While she's on occasion served alongside Batman (as well as between the sheets from time to time), she normally winds up returning to her cat burglar roots. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right?
Movie Counterpart: Halle Berry in Catwoman
Secret Identity: Pamela Lillian Isley
Powers & Abilities: Able to control plant life and secretes plant-like toxins that can injure, intoxicate or kill.
Known Affiliations: Injustice League, Secret Society of Supervillain
Her Story: Arguably the biggest eco-terrorist in the DCU, Poison Ivy uses her inate power over plant life for the cause of evil, and has on more than on occasion turned Batman and Robin against each other based on her charms.
Movie Counterpart: Uma Thurman in Batman & Robin
Secret Identity: Jean Grey
Powers & Abilities: Off-the-charts telepathy and telekinesis.
Known Affiliations: X Men, The Brotherhood of Evil Mutant
Her Story: Having long warned her of the potential of her powers (as well as giving her mental defenses), Jean Grey eventually unleashes her full abilities while attempting to save her teammates, and in the process seemingly kills herself. She later manages to cheat death, but is tricked by the evil mutant Mastermind and thus becomes Dark Phoenix, easily one of the most deadly threats the X-Men have ever faced during their storied legacy.
Movie Counterpart: Famke Janssen in X-Men: The Last Stand
Secret Identity: Sue Storm-Richards
Powers & Abilities: Ability to create invisible force-fields, energy projections, can make objects around her invisible, and of course, can make herself invisible (especially to Reed Richards, ZING!)
Known Affiliations: The Fantastic Four
Her Story: Sue gained her powers after being bombarded by a cosmic storm, and after several years of playing the role of damsel in distress, she soon learned how to harness her powers and abilities. These days, she's a force to be reckoned with in the Marvel U, especially if you mess with her family.
Movie Counterpart: Jessica Alba in Fantastic Four and 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Secret Identity: Koriand'r
Powers & Abilities: Super-strength, stamina and endurance. Able to fly and project energy blasts.
Known Affiliations: Teen Titans, Outsiders, The Tamaraneans
Her Story: After a bitter rivalry with her sister, Koriand'r fled to earth and wound up becoming a charter member of the Teen Titans. Proving the old adage, "You can take the girl out of Tamaran, but you can't take the Tamaran out of the girl," Starfire loves seeking the pleasures of life, but will kick some ass when necessary.
Secret Identity: Raven Darkholme
Powers & Abilities: A shapeshifting mutant, skilled in most forms of combat, and never seems to age.
Known Affiliations: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, X-Men, X-Corps, X-Factor
Her Story: Despite a few scattered (and current) attempts at being a do-gooder, Mystique's history has for the most part been on the side of evil, known as a highly-skilled assassin. She's also mother to several well-known mutants, such as Nightcrawler, Graydon Creed, and adoptive mother to Rogue.
Secret Identity: Helena Bertinelli
Powers & Abilities: Peak physical conditioning and dexterity, master of the crossbow.
Known Affiliations: Birds of Prey, The Batman Family
Her Story: Born into a powerful Mafia syndicate, Bertinelli's world is shattered when she sees her family murdered on an ordered hit. Determined to rid Gotham City of it's underground crime, she trains to peak physical perfection and takes on the role of the Huntress.
Secret Identity: Elektra Natchio
Powers & Abilities: Master of virtually every form of martial arts out there as well as all forms of silent weaponry (in particular, the sai).
Known Affiliations: The Hand
Her Story: A trained assassin, Elektra is arguably the most dangerous woman in the Marvel Universe. Her body count includes low-level thugs to major superheroes and villains and every threat in between, but she'll always harbor long-standing feelings for one of her oldest rivals, Daredevil.
Movie Counterpart: Jennifer Garner in Daredevil and Elektra
Secret Identity: N/A
Powers & Abilities: The ability to hold Spider-Man's attention for more than five seconds.
Known Affiliations: Being Spider-Man's wife.
Her Story: Having long been the apple of Peter Parker's eye (despite the fact that he's been attached to other ladies of both the normal and superhero persuasion), Mary Jane (or "MJ") has long been a fiction-based crush of comic readers.
Movie Counterpart: Kirsten Dunst in Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 3
Secret Identity: Wanda Maximoff
Powers & Abilities: Hex Magic, Ability to warp reality.
Known Affiliations: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Avengers, West Coast Avengers, Defenders
Her Story: The daughter of misunderstood X-Men villain Magneto, the Scarlet Witch kicked off her career by following her father's footsteps by being a thorn in the sides of Marvel's heroes. Later, she learns the error of her ways and is accepted into the Avengers. She also married a robot, which is kinda weird...
Secret Identity: Kendra Saunder
Powers & Abilities: Flight, healing factor, mastery of archaic weapons, and apparently can be reincarnated over and over again.
Known Affiliations: JSA, Birds of Prey, Black Lantern Corp
Her Story: Hawkgirl and Hawkman's on-again, off-again romance has the makings of a "Jerry Springer" marathon, but what really stands out is the number of times she (and other ladies who have taken up the mantle of the Thanagarian warrior lady) have died and been brought back to life over the years.
Secret Identity: N/A
Powers & Abilities: Intangibility -- in other words, she can phase through walls.
Known Affiliations: X-Men, Excalibur, S.H.I.E.L.D.
Her Story: The perennial "kid sister" of the X-Men, Pryde was one of the youngest mutants to ever join the team. Since then she's come into her own as one of the X-Men's most trusted and reliable members.
Movie Counterpart: Sumela Kay in X-Men, Katie Stuart in X2: X-Men United, and Ellen Page in X-Men: The Last Stand
Secret Identity: N/A
Powers & Abilities: Ability to astral project, telekinesis, telepathy, flight, and master of magics.
Known Affiliations: Teen Titan
Her Story: Part human, part interdimensional demon, Raven is basically DC's female Phantom Stranger or Marvel's Dr. Strange, given the ability to use her "soul self" as a weapon as well as a means of spying.
Secret Identity: Jennifer Walters
Powers & Abilities: Super-strength, durability and possesses a healing factor.
Known Affiliations: Avengers, Defenders, Fantastic Four, Heroes for Hire
Her Story: Bruce Banner's (a.k.a. The Hulk) cousin, She-Hulk gained her powers after receiving an emergency blood transfusion from him. Happy with her new look, Walters opted to stay in her Hulk form, even when she's serving as a high-power New York City lawyer who specializes in superhero cases.
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