Listal's Favorite Movie Moments
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propelas's rating:
propelas's rating:
by GypsyDylan
The moment:Sam carrying Frodo at Mordor
No video.Watch here:
propelas's rating:
by Mejo ♥♫
The moment: Landon confronts Dean
No video.Watch here:
propelas's rating:
Saw II (2005)
by Bml93
The moment:'Oh yes, there will be blood'
No video.Watch here:
propelas's rating:
Total Recall (1990)
by Grand Assault
The moment:Recall the last subway
No video.Watch here:
propelas's rating:
Pride and Prejudice (2005)
by juvebaby
The moment:
Darcy professes his love to Elizabeth but Elizabeth refuses at that moment...
No video.Watch here:
propelas's rating:
Independence Day (1996)
by phillydude
The moment:
President Whitmore's speech before the final battle
No video.Watch here
propelas's rating:
propelas's rating:
V for Vendetta (2006)
by Dierdre
The moment:
Evey shaved her head
No video.Watch here:
propelas's rating:
Mystic River (2003)
by Pycoon
The moment:
Jimmy Markum (Sean Penn) when he understands her daughter have been killed...
No video.Wtch here:
propelas's rating:
Raging Bull (1980)
by rewster
The Moment:
Jake La Motta takes a beating from Sugar Ray Robinson while he's hanging on the ropes.
No Video
Watch Here:
propelas's rating:
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If a video can't play i wouldn't add it on my list.
If i don't have a picture on your syggestions please help me.
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