The Night Before (2015)
list by VierasTalo

The Night Before Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
1. I thought the trailer looked pretty funny.
2. I usually get a kick out of Seth Rogen and or JGL comedies.
3. To not see James Franco as a lead role here is a bit odd though.
4. Anyways I do like most of the cast here.
5. So I have now seen all of Jonathan Levine's films.
6. The best one so far has been Warm Bodies while 50/50 w... read more
Disjointed, but has its moments
An average movie

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“To be honest, I was really sure what to expect from this flick but since there was a decent cast involved, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, even though Christmas movies can sometimes be a total drag to watch, this one had a decent concept. Indeed, I really liked the idea of this group of friends going out every year around Christmas to have some fun together. Still, even if the idea had some potential, it could have been better developed though and the end-result felt above all rather random. For example, it was very promising when Seth Rogen’s character got all these drugs provided by his wife but, unfortunately, he turned out to be the only guy getting completely f*cked up. As a result, this character spent most of the movie completely high, which was actually pretty funny” read more

"I finally get to watch this Christmas movie that has alluded me for the 3+ years. It is a funny, fun, and fantastical film that was worth the wait. "

" I finally get to watch this Christmas movie that has alluded me for the 3+ years. It is a funny, fun, and fantastical film that was worth the wait. "

"Es un película graciosa mas que podría ser en navidad o cualquier otra celebración y seria lo mismo, pero por lo menos hace reír y entretiene. "

"This film has turned into my Christmas film of choice. Just really fun comedy that I can rewatch yearly."

"December 19th- (rewatch) Still one of the funniest christmas movies ever!"