The One I Love (2014)
list by VierasTalo
list by BradWesley123
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" Date: 8/31/2020 Viewed: Netflix Fist Viewing Note: I remember a co-worker of mine at my old job recommended this movie to me a few years ago and I totally forgot about it until now. I finally sat down and watch this movie because it's now on Netflix (As of 8/31/2020). After watching the movie for the first time, I thought it was pretty good. I thought The One I Love was a pretty interesting thriller that deals with dysfunctional relationships. The acting in this movie was very good and it wa"
"It's probably best not to know too much about this sci-fi–inflected indie before you watch – though it's okay to be aware ahead of time that director Charlie McDowell's relationship dramedy doubles as a genre piece, and not just some run-of-the-mill story about a bickering married couple (played by Mark Duplass and Elisabeth Moss). There's a big twist, which arrives after the spouses head off for a therapeutic weekend at a country estate. In a switcheroo worthy of The Twilight Zone, some sup"
"1st viewing, Netflix 24 April 2016 Directed by: Charlie Mcdowell Parisuhdetutkielma, joka loppua kohti kääntyi trillerimpään suuntaan ja samalla mielestäni hämärtyi se, mitä parisuhteista haluttiinkaan sanoa. "
"4.4 Tällaisia leffoja mitkä jää harmittamaan jälkikäteen, koska potentiaalia oli, mutta jää lähes täysin käyttämättä."
"13.3 Netflix new No tämä oli sitten riittävän omituinen parisuhdedraama. Katselulistalla ollut jo tovin, mutta eihän mulla selvästikään ollut mitään käsitystä leffasta ennakkoon. Sopivan kiemuraista ja parani oikeastaan vain loppua kohti, mikä aina hyvä merkki."