The Light Between Oceans (2016)
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Added 8 years ago
Added 8 years ago
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An average movie
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" 2019: 876 2018: 870 2017: 850 2016: 837 "
"Reasons for Prediction: Stars two actors people like to vote for. Directed Cianfrance, who has proven deserving of an Oscar movie. It's a serious romance with high calibre production. Results: NOT Nominated for Best Picture ZERO Wins ZERO Nominations "
"Points of anticipation: Cianfrance directing a solid cast and crew. Result: #9 on "Best Movies of 2016" list. Trailer: "
" DVD- 2hrs. 13min. First Viewing Its all too abstract to really connect, but its hard to deny the craft that's gone into The Light Between Oceans. The film is exceptionally made, with outstanding cinematography and strong sets/costumes and another grand Desplat-score, but too withdrawn to connect. The director chooses a more restrained filmmaking style that keeps the viewer at a distance; that is, except for when Vikander is on screen. She brings a rawness to the film that is often heartbreaking"
“I wasn't really sure what to expect from this movie but since I have a weak spot for Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander, I was quite eager to check it out. Well, even though it was a very well made drama, especially visually speaking, with some really solid performances, I still had a hard time to really care about this story. I mean, Fassbender and Vikander had a very nice chemistry and they made a great couple together (it's not surprising that they have been together ever since they shot this movie) but, obviously, when you have already a perfect couple after only 20 minutes, you can be sure that it won't stay that way for very long. And, indeed, everything seemed to be ruined by a couple of miscarriages but, then, they miraculously find a baby on the shore so you might think that t” read more
" THE LIGHT BETWEEN OCEANS Polsko. Total Score: 10 points. "