Love, Rosie (2014)
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Added 10 years ago
Added 10 years ago
Added 9 years ago
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You can't respect the friendship by denying the fa
Definitely a modern love story. The movie covers the story of the title character, Rosie's 12 years of life. From the night when she celebrates her 18th birthday till becomes the 30 year old mother. It's a long journey in the real life, and the movie report only the romance side of the life as it is a romantic comedy. Based on t... read more
Actually I don't know, it's terrifying t... read more
An average movie
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“To be honest, I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this flick but since I have weak spot for Lily Collins, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, the damned thing was certainly not original and did remind me of many famous romantic comedies such as ‘Four Weddings and a Funeral’, ‘My Best Friend's Wedding’ and, above all, ‘When Harry Met Sally...’. The other major obstacle for this movie was the fact there was no actual meet-cute, in fact, right from the start, it was pretty obvious that the two characters were heads over heels for each other, apparently since kindergarten, so how they could they keep them apart until the end of the movie? Well, in contrary to ‘When Harry Met Sally...’ which handled this concept perfectly, it was however never really convincing” read more
“I can't believe it took me that long to watch the movie, I knew it accidentally from some Multicouples Video on YouTube but there was always that line that caught my attention again and again:"Because I’ve realized that no matter where you are, or what you’re doing, or who you’re with. I will always, honestly, truly, completely love you."
Actually I don't know, it's terrifying that after like 25 Minimum You realize that you were hanging out with the Love of your life without knowing that, You were missing it and searching for it in other places and ended screwed up completely.
I LOVED THE MOVIE! Maybe because it wasn't dark and full of emotions that leaves you feeling depressed, it was funny and like a roller-coaster of feelings as I like to say.
what ma” read more
“You can't respect the friendship by denying the facts. Definitely a modern love story. The movie covers the story of the title character, Rosie's 1”
" DVD- 1hr. 42min. First Viewing There's literally nothing here that we haven't seen before. Absolutely nothing. Hell, even more so than in most romantic films, the reasons for the central pair not being together are incredibly, and increasingly, flimsy. However, Collins and Claflin are so charming, and have such chemistry, that I was eventually willing to let go of most of my reservations, and find some enjoyment with this one. "