Dark Waters
list by ToonHead2102

list by Stehako

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list by Max the Movie Guy

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A good movie

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“I had no idea what this movie was about but since it was directed by Todd Haynes and since it was available on Netflix, I was really eager to check it out. Well, to be honest, I thought it was rather surprising that Haynes would direct such a conventional drama at this point of his career. Not that there is anything really wrong with this flick, it’s just that if you are familiar with such court dramas dealing with class-action cases against some huge corporations, well, you won’t see anything new or really surprising. One notable exception would be the fact that Rob Bilott’s boss actually got his back and actually supported him in his seemingly doomed endeavour. Indeed, I was expecting him to tell him to back off so his reaction was refreshing but, to be honest, Tim Robbins didn’t” read more

"UNDERRATED MOVIE! Review coming soon... *Official 2020: A Movie Odyssey entry, by Dr-Faustus* "

" First Viewing Viewing Date: January 27th Via: iTunes Store Plot: A corporate defense attorney takes on an environmental lawsuit against a chemical company that exposes a lengthy history of pollution with dangerous side effects on the local population. Rating: 8.4/10"

"Solido film di denuncia con lotta ambientalista di pochi contro i mulini a vento corporate. Niente di nuovo ma molto ben raccontato: l'avvocato che incrocia per caso la causa di pochi agricoltori contro il colosso DuPont e si appassiona, la doppiezza del suo studio legale che dà un colpo al cerchio e uno alla botte, l'azienda che le prova tutte pulite o sporche che siano, l'impegno costante che mette in crisi i legami familiari, la vittoria finale seppur talmente faticosa da far continuare la l"

"SCREENING: XPlus DATE: February 28th CINEMA: Showcase Cinema de Lux LOCATION: Bluewater"

"İNSANLIK ONURU KORUMAYA DAİR BİR MÜCADELE Toddy Haynes’in yönetmenliğinde çekilen ve ülkemizde “Karanlık Sular” adıyla vizyona giren bu film oldukça mesaj içeren bir hikâyenin beyaz perdede anlatılmasını içermektedir. Kimya devi DuPont markasının kullanmış olduğu kimyasal malzemelerin doğaya verdiği zarara karşı mücadele eden bir avukatın öyküsü… Kimi zaman tedirgin edici, tekinsiz; kimi zaman ise ayakta alkışlanacak derecede övücü bir hikâye…"

"2019 Mark Ruffalo is amazingly bland in his one-note performance. It's too bad because this is a ridiculously important story to tell. The filmmakers do a good job with themes and motifs, it's just too bad most of the success falls on a likable but endlessly average actor. "