Anthropoid (2016)
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Added 7 years ago
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" DVD- 2hrs. 1min. First Viewing Anthropoid's first half isn't much to write home about; it's dull, slow and seems disinterested in it's own story. The second half, however, is a different story. When the action kicks in, and the ramifications from the first half take over, the film becomes a tense, claustrophobic action thriller. The cast keeps things movie for the first half (Murphy, in particular), but Director Ellis pulls it all together in the second half. Had the first half been as even-kee"
" Director & Cinematographer: Sean Ellis Other Images "
" Familiar Actors: Jamie Dornan Cillian Murphy Toby Jones Bill Milner Charlotte Lebon Harry Lloyd Sam Keeley Reinhard Heydrich Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini True Rating: 8.3/10 My Review: Reviewopoid"
“This is another one of those movies that played at my theater that I never got around to seeing. I have to admit though I did really want to see this one. So when I saw it on Amazon Prime I got excited and knew it was time. I think the cast is very interesting and Jamie Dornan has proven that he is much better than Fifty Shades of Grey crapfests. I did hear this was trying to grab for the Oscars, but it obviously didn't make it. I have heard of Sean Ellis' films and I think I saw parts of Cashback, but this will be the first I know I've seen. As for Anthony Frewin he was really involved with Stanley Kubrick for some things. Anyways let's find out if this was any good since it failed at Oscar baiting.
This was different than I was expecting. I never even knew about this story in ” read more
"1st viewing 27 December 2016 Directed by: Sean Ellis Mielenkiintoinen ja itselleni aikaisemmin tuntematon tarina salamurhaoperaatiosta valloitetussa Tsekkoslovakiassa. Parasta antia ovat intensiiviset toimintakohtaukset. Irlantilaiskaksikon Cillian Murphyn ja Jamie Dornanin yhteistyö toimii ja kaksikosta tuli ilmeisesti kuvausten aikana hyviä ystäviä. Hahmot jäädät ikävän yksiulotteisiksi ja romanssit(jotka on keksitty tarinaan ilmeisesti siitä syystä, että katsojan olisi helpompaa"
"Czechoslovakian resistance movement Structured around Operation Anthropoid which too place in Prague. This film explains the story of the two men assigned the mission of assassinating high ranking SS General Reinhard Heydrich. This film had more impact on me as I had recently been to Prague and seen the locations of the events depicted in the film. Well worth a watch. "