Navajo Joe (1966)
list by Mr. Saturn

list by Aprakadabra

list by OnionStark

Cover art, photos and screenshots
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"First viewing - Nov. 18th If you can get past the fact that the film features mostly white people playing POC characters, this is pretty entertaining. Burt Reynolds gets a chance to shine every moment he's on screen, and it's no surprise his career took off from here. (He doesn't even need his trademark mustache.) It's a blast watching him thwart his rivals and make most of the people around him look like fools and cowards by comparison. It was fun enough I'd sit through it again."

"27.3. NATIONAL JOE DAY 2020 Sergio Corbuccin ohjaama spagu olikin päivän ohjelmiston ainoa teos, jota en ollut aikaisemmin nähnyt. Siinä intiaaneja intohimokseen tappava pahisjoukko ryöstää mysteerimiehen vihjeen innostamana junalastillisen kylmää käteistä, mutta Burt Reynoldsin esittämä intiaani jekuttaa preerian miehiä tarjoilemalla mammonan sijaan alkuperäiskansallista terää kriittisiin paikkoihin. Minun pitäisi varmaan sanoa, että Burt Reynoldsin näkeminen intiaanina h"

"The axe to the head that one of the Crazy 88's gets during the fight between the Bride and the Crazy 88's is a reference to "Navajo Joe". The main theme from "Navajo Joe" is heard during the climactic scene from "Kill Bill"."
“Big scope, tight acrobacies by indianlike Burt; but some gratuitous superficial violence. Corbucci is always ok preparing action.”