The End
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The End


Thank You For Playing

Technically the same as "The End" except with more elegance.

8 Eyes - Famicom and NES

This is the final screen from the third ending of 8 Eyes...The entire message goes through several screens and states: "VERY IMPRESSIVE! I truly thought that no mere mortal would ever be reading the statement here, at the end of the third quest of 8-Eyes, you have reached the end of this game. I give my deepest congratulations to one who has beaten one of the most challenging games seen on the home video screen. Thank You, and look for more extremely challenging games from your favorite game masters TAXAN !!!"
ape's rating:

I'll be collecting screenshots from the end of various games from various consoles. Basically, as I add an ending to my ol' website, I'll take the screen that states 'The End', 'Thank You For Playing', or anything similar on it, and post it here. I only have a few to start out with, but I'll gradually be adding more as I go through and collect screenshots from games.
Also, I doubt that the 'The End' screens will spoil an ending for anyone...But, just in case, be warned that some of these screens might contain a spoiler within.
Also, I doubt that the 'The End' screens will spoil an ending for anyone...But, just in case, be warned that some of these screens might contain a spoiler within.
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Published 12 years, 12 months ago

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