Posters designed by Duda Stanislav
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2 July 1921, Ostrava Painter, graphic artist, illustrator, film animation artist. 1941–1947 Acadmy of Applied Arts, Prague (Prof. Antonín Strnadel). Duda worked as a graphic designer in the promotion department of the Centrotex company and the Chamber of Commerce. He participated in the artistic design of Czech and foreign exhibiotions (for example, Expo1958 in Brussels). A freelance artist since 1953, he has been involved mainly in poster design, exhibition design, book illustration and animated film. Film poster awards: Honorable mention for Harold Lloyd ve svých nejlepších komediích (Harold Lloyd in his best comedies) at the International Film Posters Exhibition in Karlovy Vary, 1964, First Prize for Strašidla ze Spessartu (The Haunted Castle) at the International Exhibition of Film Posters in Vienna, 1965, Silver Hugo for Mrtví muži nenosí skotskou sukni (Ded Men Don’t Wear Plaid) at the International Film Festival in Chiacago 1984
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