RPGs I Love
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Chrono Cross - PlayStation
I loved this RPG and CHrono trigger. Wouild love a greatest hits of RPGs to come out.
Chrono Trigger - Super famicom and SNES
I loved this gamr so much I played it twice in a row too make sure I didnt miss anything, and the story line was so good
jay-jay's rating:

Chrono Trigger - Nintendo DS
When this game came out for the DS I was excited. THis was one of the 1st RPGs I evet played
jay-jay's rating:

Final Fantasy IX - PlayStation
Being FInal Fantasy I bought, and was plesantly suprised. It's also one of those I couldn't tell you what its about. I just didnt stick me like some of the others
jay-jay's rating:

Final Fantasy VII - PlayStation
THis was my 1st and favorite RPG's too play. With the 25th anniversary of the game next year, I'm ne of those who believe they need to rerelease it on the next gen systems with new cut scenes.
jay-jay's rating:

Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core - PlayStation Portable
I'm surrently playing this one. I know it been out awhile, but I really hadnt had the time too play it. I got it coz its a prequel of the events of Final Fantasy VII. SO far I love the storyline and game play
Final Fantasy VIII - PlayStation
Yes believe it or not I loked this one RInoa & Squal are 2 of my favorite characters.
jay-jay's rating:

Final Fantasy X - PlayStation 2
My 2nd favorite of all time. I send too love the FInal Fantasy RPGs. Love the journey and story line in this game
jay-jay's rating:

Final Fantasy X-2 - PlayStation 2
Yes I actually do like this game. Alot of people gave this game sh*t when it came out. I wan't one of them
jay-jay's rating:

Final Fantasy XIII - Xbox 360
Playing this one currently as well. Lightning is becoming one of my favorite female leads in the FInal Fantasy series. Don't worry Tifa & Yuna are still my top 2 favs...lol
jay-jay's rating:

Lost Odyssey - Xbox 360
This was the 1 st RPG I got for the 360, pretty good game all in all
jay-jay's rating:

A list of RPGs Ive played and loved. Some Ive played a couple times, some Im still playing
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