Wii RPGs
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Pokemon Battle Revolution - Nintendo Wii

*Although not really a true RPG due to the lack of exploration and storyline, this game does mostly contains RPG style battles.
Crossblades's rating:

Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords - Nintendo Wii

*This game is considered a Puzzle/RPG hybrid
*Also available for the PS3, Xbox 360, PSP, DS, IOs, and PC
Crossblades's rating:

Fishing Resort - Nintendo Wii

*This game is considered a Fishing/RPG hybrid
*Game comes standard or bundled with a Fishing Rod Accessory
Crossblades's rating:

Complete list of Wii RPGs that were released thus far in the US. This list does not include Wiiware and Virtual Console releases. All types of RPGs are included: Action, Traditional, Tactical, Hybrid, Roguelike, Simulation, and Adventure. The ratings that I have given each game are based on the reviews seen on the Internet.
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