Movie Couples and Dynamic Duos
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Stand by Me (1986)

(Clearly Chris and Gordie are best friends. They share many moments talking about things that they don't tell to Vern and Teddy. Chris is like a brother and a father to Gordie.
"Wish the hell I was your dad. You wouldn't be goin' around talkin' about takin' these stupid shop courses if I was. It's like God gave you something, man, all those stories you can make up. And He said, "This is what we got for ya, kid. Try not to lose it." Kids lose everything unless there's someone there to look out for them. And if your parents are too fucked up to do it, then maybe I should.")
drugs's rating:

Edward Scissorhands (1990)

(Edward falls in love with Kim but she at first doesn't feel the same. Slowly she begins to love Edward and saves him from her thuggish boyfriend Jim and lies to the townspeople that Edward is dead to prevent them from harming him. But Edward and Kim will never see each other again. She is the elderly narrator of the story, telling the story to her grandchild.)
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The Boondock Saints (1999)

Brothers, fighting against evil. Connor is Murphy's family and Murphy is Connor's family. Bound in blood.
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Fight Club (1999)

(not the usual kind of couple but at the end I would dare to say that they are a couple)
~ = The Narrator and Tyler Durden

(even though they are the same person)
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Brokeback Mountain (2005)

(Jack and Ennis meet and fall in love on Brokeback Mountain. But they both go their separate ways to start a family. Still their relationship lasts over twenty years. In the end Jack is killed.)
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My Own Private Idaho (1991)

(Mike is in love with Scott but both being hustlers, Scott tells him he can't love him because he doesn't get paid for it and that "two guys can't love each other". They travel together to Italy. But Scott falls in love with a young woman and goes back to U.S with her, leaving Mike to return home on his own. Mike is once again lost but somehow gets back to Portland. Scott has become his father's successor and doesn't acknowledge his former friend Mike and mentor Bob.)
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Funny Games (1997)

(Two polite fellas that go from house to house torturing rich families. And they do it all for fun.)
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Casino Royale (2006)

(When a bulding is collapsing to the Grand Canal, Bond finds Vesper inside the building imprisoned in a lift but as he tries to save her, she locks herself inside. Bond breaks into the lift and pulls Verper's body onto the roof, and tries to resuscitate her. But Vesper is dead.)
drugs's rating:

Moulin Rouge! (2001)

(Christian fells in love with courtesan Satine. They secretly spend time together even though Satine should be with Duke of Monroth. After their affair is revealed, Satine has to stay with the Duke or Christian will be killed. Christian is upset and tells Satine that she means nothing to him. Satine sings their "secret song", showing Christian that she still truly loves him. The Duke's bodyguard attempts to kill Christian, but the courtesans and Bohemians stop him; the Duke then tries to finish the job himself, only to be stopped by Zidler. The lovers finish their song to a standing ovation and the Duke storms out of the Moulin Rouge. As the performers get ready to take a bow, Satine finally succumbs to her illness, and dies in Christian's arms.)
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Zombieland (2009)

(when Columbus loses his car in an accident, he encounters Tallahassee, who is on a quest to find Twinkies.)
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Coffee and Cigarettes (2003)

(The beauty of quitting is, now that I've quit, I can have one, 'cause I've quit.)
~ = Jack and Meg White

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Velvet Goldmine (1998)

(After seeing Curt perform, Brian changes. Also Curt and Brian become romantically involved even though Brian has a wife.)
♥ = Curt Wild & Arthur

(After meeting at a gig, they have sex on the roof.)
drugs's rating:

Buffalo '66 (1998)

(Layla allows herself to be kidnapped and it is clear she is romantically attracted to Billy from the start, but Billy all the while is compelled to deal with his own demons, his loneliness and his depression, and it is only at the end that he allows Layla to give him the love and comfort he has been needing all his life.(wikipedia))
drugs's rating:

Boys Don't Cry (1999)

(At first Lana doesn't know that Brandon is actually a girl. It is discovered by Lotter and Nissen who then rape and abuse Brandon. At the end of the movie they decide to kill Brandon and end up killing him and Candace. Lana leaves Falls City.)
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(they're just kids,so no romantic kind of couple. But they do sleep together, meaning only SLEEPING. And they fight against bullies.)
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From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)

(Together killing people like brothers normally. Later, Richie gets stabbed and is attacked by a transformed Santanico, revealed as a vampire.)
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Do i have to explain?
Wallace is an inveterate inventor, creating elaborate contraptions that often do not work as intended. He is a self-proclaimed genius, evident from his exclamation when he discovers Hutch's borrowed skill, a talent for all things mechanical.
Gromit likes knitting, reading the newspaper, and cooking. His prized possessions include his alarm clock, bone, brush, and a framed photo of himself with Wallace. He is also very handy with electronic equipment and an excellent airplane pilot. Gromit even reads Electronics for Dogs.
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The Aristocats (1970)

(when O'Malley helps Duchess and her kittens to get back to home, they fell in love)
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Benny & Joon (1993)

(While running away with Sam, Joon gets a anxiety attack. The bus is stopped and an ambulance arrives to restrain Joon. Later, while being interviewed by Dr. Garvey, Joon sees Sam swinging on a rope outside her window and waving, and she states that she would like to try living in her own apartment. Dr. Garvey agrees to try out her choice, but Sam's rope breaks and he breaks his ankle. Benny and Joon reconcile, and Sam and Joon are reunited upon her release. )
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City Lights (1931)

(The tramp meets a poor blind girl whom he falls in love and when the girl mistakes him for a millionaire he keeps up the charade.)
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Big Fish (2003)

(Love at first sight. But when Edward finds her, she's engaged to Don Price. But Sandra ends their engagement when Don beats Edward up.)
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Philadelphia (1993)

(at the end of his trial, Andrew collapses and is hospitalized. At the end of the movie, he dies because of AIDS. "Miguel, I'm ready." )
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(father and son although H.W was adopted by Daniel because of the death of one of his workers in an acciden)
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(Mathilda seems to be in love with Léon but their relationship is a bit more like a father and daughter kind of relationship.)
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My favorite movie couples and dynamic duos.
♥ = couple
~ = dynamic duo
WARNING: Contains spoilers
♥ = couple
~ = dynamic duo
WARNING: Contains spoilers
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Drugs' Lists About Movies
(59 lists)list by drugs
Published 12 years, 11 months ago
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