...I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
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Laura Bush
At 17, the former First Lady ran a stop sign and crashed into another car killing its driver, who was a classmate of hers.
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William S. Burroughs
The famed writer shot and killed his common-law wife Joan Vollmer. Initially Burroughs claimed the two were playing a drunken game of William Tell and that he was attempting to shoot a glass off her head and missed. He later changes his story to a simpler “mishandling a firearm.”
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Don King
Don King killed two different men in his younger days as the leader of a gambling ring in Cleveland, Ohio. He shot one and stomped another to death.
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Robert Blake
Blake's wife was shot dead outside of a restaurant on an evening when they were having dinner. Blake claimed to be in the restaurant getting a gun he accidentally left at the table (bizarre alibi). Though he was found not guilty in the criminal case, he was found liable in the civil.
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OJ Simpson
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Matthew Broderick
The Ferris Bueller star was driving in Ireland with then girlfriend Jennifer Grey when he veered into the other lane and crashed head on with another car killing the driver. It was determined he was not drunk, but the reason for the accident was never determined. He was charged with “careless driving” which came with an $175 fine.
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Brandy hit the car in front of her by failing to brake in time, thus killing the driver in front of her. Brandy took full responsibility for the accident, but was never charged with any crime.
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Keith Moon
The drummer ran over his chauffeur and bodyguard outside of a pub in England while fleeing from skinheads. Moon was not charged in the accident.
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Sid Vicious
Sid stabbed Nancy. We all know this. He admitted it before changing his story. He died shortly after getting out on bail.
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Ted Kennedy
Kennedy was driving (possibly drunk) in Chappaquiddick when he crashed his car into the water. He swam to safety, but the female in the car never emerged. Kennedy fled the scene but turned himself in the next day. He was only sentenced with fleeing scene. He was given a 2-month suspended jail sentence.
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