Highest Body Counts
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Showing 25 items
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Entire Film: 836
Hobbits: 2
Humans: 147
Uruk-hai and Orcs: 524
Trolls: 2
Rohirim: 123
Sauthrons: 32
Nazguls: 6
Aragorn (Mortensen): 17
Legolas (Bloom): 11
Gandalf (McKellen): 11
Eowyn (Miranda Otto): 9
Merry (Dominic Monaghan): 7
Eomer (Urban): 6
Faramir (David Wenham): 5
Gimli (John Rhys-Davies): 5
Sam (Sean Astin): 4
Theoden (Bernard Hill): 3
Pippin (Billy Boyd): 2
Frodo (Wood): 1
Smeagol/Gollum (Andy Serkis): 1
PulpRoman's rating:

Kingdom of Heaven (2005)

Entire Film: 610
Misc: thousands of dead bodies, dozens of dead horses.
Balian (Bloom): 40
Almaric (Velibor Topic): 6
Godfrey (Neeson): 3
Guy de Lusignan (Csokas): 3
Reynald de Chatillon (Brendan Gleeson): 1
Saladin (Massoud): 1
300 (2007)

Entire Film: 600 including title animation
(15 title, 585 kills/deaths/mortal hits within film)
Misc: 1 wolf, 1 rhinoceros, 3 elephants, baby bones, skulls of conquered kings, burning village, dead horses, persian ships sunk, Wall of the Dead - uncountable pile of hundreds of bodies (see guidelines), uncountable bodies strewn on killing fields, heads of executed generals.
Leonidas (as adult) (Butler): 30
Astinos (Wisdom): 25
Stelios (Fassbender): 23
Captain (Regan): 23
Dilios (Wenham): 5
Daxos (Pleavin): 5
Gorgo (Headey): 1
PulpRoman's rating:

Troy (2004)

Entire Film: 572
Misc: thousands of dead bodies
Achilles (Pitt): 35
Hector (Bana): 14
Odysseus (Bean): 13
Ajax (Tyler Mane): 12
Patroclus (Garrett Hedlund): 9
Eudorus (Vincent Regan): 5
Paris (Bloom): 4
Agamemnon (Cox): 2
PulpRoman's rating:

The Last Samurai (2003)

Entire Film: 558
Cpt. Nathan Algren (Cruise): 41
Katsumoto (Watanabe): 26
Ujio (Sanada): 25
Silent Samurai "Bob" (Seizo Fukumoto): 15
Magojiro (Aoi Minato): 13
Nobutada (Koyamada): 11
Col. Bagley (Goldwyn): 4
Sgt. Gant (Connolly): 3

Entire Film: 468
Humans - 52
Uruk-hai and Orcs- 391
Elves - 25
Aragorn's (Mortensen) kills: 20
Legolas' (Bloom) kills: 26
Gimli's (Rhys-Davies) kills: 14
Gandalf's (McKellen) kills: 2
Eomer's (Urban) kills: 1
Haldir's (Parker) kills: 5
Theoden's (Hill) kills: 4
Faramir's (Wenham) kills: 1
Pippin's (Boyd) kills: 1
Merry's (Monaghan) kills: 1
PulpRoman's rating:

Grindhouse (2007)

Combined Count: 310
Fake Trailers:
Don't! (dir. Wright): 4
Thanksgiving (dir. Roth): 7
Werewolf Women Of The SS (dir. Zombie): 2
Machete (dir.Rodriguez) 8
Death Proof (dir. Tarantino): 8
Planet Terror (dir Rodriguez): 281
Titanic (1997)

Entire Film: 307
1st Officer Murdoch (Ewan Stewart): 3
Entire Film Breakdown:
"Iceberg, right ahead": 10
Swept Away: 2
"Your money can't save you": 3
Fight for Survival: 21
"This is where we first met": 28
Death of Titanic: 139
The Promise: 103
A Promise Kept: 1
PulpRoman's rating:

We Were Soldiers (2002)

Entire Film: 305
Misc: Strewn bodies on battlefield, pile of dead bodies (only distinguishable bodies included in body count)
Col. Hal Moore (Gibson): 15
Sgt. Maj. Plumley (Elliott): 7
Snakeshit (Kinnear): 5
Starship Troopers (1997)

Entire Film: 256 (128 humans, 128 bugs)
Characters' Kills:
Bugs: 123 (122 humans, 1 bug)
JRico (Van Dien): 16 (15 bugs, 1 human)
Sugar (Seth Gilliam): 13 (12 bugs, 1 human)
Ace Levy (Busey): 8 (8 bugs)
Rasczak (Ironside): 5 (4 bugs, 1 human)
Carmen Ibanez (Richards): 5 (5 bugs)
Dizzy Flores (Meyer): 3 (3 bugs)
Kitten Smith (Matt Levin): 2 (2 bugs)
Brain Bug: 2 (2 humans)
Zander (Patrick Muldoon): 2 (2 bugs)
Carl Jenkins (Neil Patrick Harris): 1 (1 bug)
Djana'D (Tami-Adrian George): 1 (1 human)
Saving Private Ryan (1998)

Entire Film: 255
Captain Miller (Hanks): 9
Private Jackson (Pepper): 8
Corporal Henderson (Max Martini): 7
Private Reiben (Burns): 7
Private Mellish (Adam Goldberg): 7
Private Ryan (Damon): 4
Sergeant Horvath (Sizemore): 4
Private Parker (Demetri Goritsas): 4
Private Doyle (Glenn Wrage): 4
Lieutenant DeWindt (Leland Orser): 3
Private Trask (Ian Porter): 3
Steamboat Willie (Joerg Stadler): 2
Private Rice (Gary Sefton): 1
Corporal Upham (Jeremy Davies): 1
PulpRoman's rating:

Rambo (2008)

247 Kills
Misc: Strewn bodies, fish, horses, dogs, Rambo potentially killed hundreds with the bomb, but not confirmed
John Rambo (Stallone): 87
Schoolboy (Marsden): 12
En-Joo (Tim Kang): 7
Lewis (Graham McTavish): 4
Diaz (Rey Gallegos): 4
Tha (Sornram Patchimtasanakarn): 3
Reese (Jake La Botz): 2
Michael Burnett (Shultze): 1

Entire Film: 236
Cleric John Preston (Christian Bale): 118
Preston's Breakdown (by ClericMike)
Pitch Black Justice - 22
Partridge gets a tracheotomy - 1
Puppy Shootout - 13
Sector 7 Beat Down - 8
Not Without Incident - 9
Hallway Deliverance - 53
DuPont's Office slice-n-dice - 8
Brandt's Ownage - 1
DuPont gets capped - 1
Preston's Hegemony - 2
PulpRoman's rating:

A Better Tomorrow II (1987)

Entire Film: 199
Ken (Chow Yun Fat): 78
Ho (Lung Ti): 44
Lung (Dean Shek): 33
Kit (Leslie Cheung): 5
Chong: 4
Sam: 1
Blood Diamond (2006)

Entire Film: 187
Misc: photo, implied deaths, Jeep exposion, skinned babboon, bombing of RUF camp (almost uncountable carnage)
Danny Archer (DiCaprio): 13
Solomon Vandy (Hounsou): 1
Colonel Coetzee (Vosloo): 1
Chapter 1: Caught in Revolution's Net: 17
Chapter 2: Conflict Zone Statistics: 1
Chapter 4: Give It To Me: 6
Chapter 9: Soldier of the Revolution: 1
Chapter 11: Freetown Siege: 56
Chapter 12: Shooting to Kill: 15
Chapter 16: A Little Bang-Bang: 6
Chapter 17: Drive to Survive: 4
Chapter 18: Good Intentions: 3
Chapter 23: The Master: 13
Chapter 25: A Father Forsaken: 1
Chapter 26: Kill Them All: 45
Chapter 27: Deadly Digsite: 17
Chapter 30: A Real Story Now: 2
PulpRoman's rating:

The Chronicles of Riddick (2004)

Entire Film: 187
Misc: See counter's details
Riddick (Diesel) kills: 67
Kyra (Alexa Davalos) kills: 8
Vaako (Urban) kills: 4
Lord Marshal (Feore) kills: 3
Braveheart (1995)

Entire Film: 184
Misc: numerous woundings, horses,
countless dead bodies
Wallace's (Gibson) count: 33
Edward I: 1
Hamish (Gleeson) count: 10
Stephen (Crazy Irish Guy): 8
Hamish's Father: 6
McBain (1991)

Entire Film: 181 (conservative count)
McBain's (Walken) kills: 8
Bruce's (Ironside) kills: 3
vietnam: 24
El Presidente: 2
Surrender: 1
Drug House: 8
Airport: 4
Village: 43
Airspace: 3
Beach: 22
Incoming: 2
Hans: 1
Choppers: 11
Reward: 1
Palace: 59
Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Entire Film: 175
Character's kills:
Stephen (Emge): 15 (13 zombie, 2 human)
Peter (Foree): 47 (40 zombie, 7 human)
Roger (Reiniger): 33
Francine (Ross): 4
Blades (Tom Savini): 3
The Last of the Mohicans (1992)

Entire Film: 172
Hawkeye (Day-Lewis): 16
Chingachgook (Means): 11
Magua (Studi): 5
Uncas (Schweig): 7
Cora (Stowe): 1
Heyward (Waddington): 1
Colonel Munro (Roeves): 2
Alice: 1 (suicide)
The Mummy (1999)

Entire Film: 155
'Rick' O'Connell (Fraser): 45
Ardeth Bay (Fehr): 9
Evelyn (Weisz): 1
Jonathan (Hannah): 4
Imhotep (Vosloo): 5
PulpRoman's rating:

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