Favorite Movies of 2018
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Note: My #1 favorite movie of 2018 and probably one of my favorite movie of the 2010s. I highly recommend it because the movie has wonderful characters, great humor, amazing animation, great camerawork and fantastic use of surrealism. Probably the best theatrical experience that I had in a very long time when I saw it back in August 2018.
I would also recommanded to check Mind Game, Devilman: Crybaby and The Tamtai Galaxy which are from the same director (Masaaki Yuasa).
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Mandy (2018)

Note: Mandy is the movie that I wanted to see someone make in a long time. I love every bit of this movie from start to finish. The movie is a perfect mix of a Grindhouse and Art House movie mixed into one. I love the colorful look that the movie had and the fanastic movie soundtrack.
Another thing that I loved about the movie is the occult symbolism that the movie had. This movie is one big trippy dark heavy metal movie that I will never forget.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Annihilation (2018)

Note: After Ex Machina came out in 2015, I waited for the next movie from Alex Garland and this movie did not let me down. I love how dark, sick, and beautiful this movie was. I love the story in the movie with the idea of an alien forest taking over the planet and causing evolution to take a different path on Earth.
This movie was so breath-taking to me, I had to own it on day one when it came out on Blu-Ray.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Note: This movie was fucking nuts from start to finish. This movie was 2 hours long and it did not drag at all. Not a single moment in this movie was boring.
The movie is filled with violence, blood, and gore to the max. This movie makes John Wick look like Bambi in comparison. I love the Night Comes for Us just as much as The Raid movies, if not better.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Note: This is one movie theater experience that I will not forget. This movie is dark, sick, abstract, visceral, and even funny at times.
Matt Dillon gives a fantastic performance as the lead role. I really love the philosophical discussions about the nature of art in the movie because it didn't feel boring or force into the plot. I do like how the movie is open for interpretation on the themes of if killing can be considered as art and the grey area between good or bad murder.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Note: I kept hearing some interesting things about this movie and decided to check it out on Amazon Prime. I know nothing about this movie and went into it blind. I really like this movie a lot and I'm glad that I went into it without knowing anything about it. The story is simple, but the movie has a very good subtext. The movie deals with greed and the role of the artist in society. There is even a deeper message about the nature of supernatural good and evil.
I also love how colorful this movie because the movie has a very trippy and retro 70s feeling to it. The movie has an atmosphere to it that remind me a lot from Dario Argento and Alejandro Jodorowsky. My only issue with this movie was that it did felt rather slow at times.
Overall, I really love this movie and I want to check the other movies from Hรฉlรจne Cattet and Bruno Forzani. Not everyone will like this movie, but fans of art house movies and acid westerns will probably enjoy it.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Sorry to Bother You (2018)

Note: This movie is the funniest and most creative comedy movie in the last few years. The movie was very funny while having you feeling emotionally investment with all of the characters. It's hard to talk about this movie without spoilers. Just see the movie for yourself.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Note: This movie felt like a nice throwback to 80s Cyborg/Robot movies like the original Robocop and Cyborg (The Jean-Claude Van Damme movie). I was surprised at how much I enjoy this movie because I didn't think it would be good at all.
The action is top notch and the movie has a lot of blood and gore similar to the old days of 80's-90s sci-fi action movies. I also like the story and how cleaver it was at times. The special effects are amazing too for a very low budget movie.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Note: Spike Lee's best movie in ages in my opinion. The story was very well written that it had me on the edge of my seat on what was going to happen next in the movie. The movie's story shows that the KKK is still a terrible threat in today's world after all of these years. I feel like this movie will go down in history as one of the most important movies of the 2010s.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Unsane (2018)

Note: Steven Soderbergh has done it again with Unsane in my opinion. I love how chilling and disturbing that this movie can be at times with the creative use of camera shots. The movie puts you in the shoes of the main character with her feeling helpless in an asylum while being stalk by her stalker.
I also love the social commentary of health-insurance companies screwing people over. It shows that some doctors out there only care about your money than yourself.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Note: This movie was a very funny movie with a great social commentary on today's world. It reminds me a lot of old Spike Lee's older works. I love how likable the characters are in the movie and the humor are top-notch. I found myself laughing a lot while feeling sad when watching the movie. This movie was probably the most underrated movie of 2018 in my opinion.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Deadpool 2 (2018)

Note: This movie was just as good, if not better than the first Deadpool movie. The humor, action, and story were just as good as always. Josh Brolin as Cable was better than I expected. I don't know what else to say about Deadpool 2.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Revenge (2017)

Note: This movie felt like a better I Spit on Your Grave remake than the actual I Spit on Your Grave remake. This movie was a nonstop thrill ride from stop to finished. I love how dark, gritty and intense that this movie was. The plot is simple and over the top, but I don't think this movie was meant to be deep. It's worth checking out if you haven't seen it.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Terrified (2017)

Note: The most underrated horror movie of 2018 in my opinion. I enjoy how the story was told in a non-linear format and doesn't rely solely on jump scares. The movie had me on the edge of my seat given how suspenseful it was. The movie could have explained something better, but I guess that was the point of the movie. The movie deals with the supernatural that exists in our world and I think the movie's theme was not that we can never always explain or solve the unknown that exists in our Universe.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Note: I thought it was a very heartwarming movie from start to finish. It's a slice of life type of movie that deals with family and growing up. It's not Mamoru Hosoda's best movie and it is not a movie with a deep plot, but I still recommended it. The movie made me feel like a million bucks when watching it.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Honorable Mentions
Better late than never, here is my favorite movies of 2018. Some of these movies are from 2017 but didn't get a major release until 2018 in my country (The US). If a movie is not on the list, I probably didn't like it or haven't seen it yet.
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