The Evolution of Pokemon Games
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Generation I
Pokémon: Red Version - Game Boy
Games: Pokemon Red & Blue Version (1998/9)
Protagonist: Red

Rival: Blue

Starter Pokemon: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle

Professor: Oak

Criminal Organisation: Team Rocket


Protagonist: Red

Rival: Blue

Starter Pokemon: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle

Professor: Oak

Criminal Organisation: Team Rocket


Kami's rating:

Pokémon: Yellow Version - Game Boy
Pokemon Yellow Version (1999/2000)
Starter Pokemon: Pikachu

Legendary Pokemon: Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, Mew, Mewtwo

Starter Pokemon: Pikachu

Legendary Pokemon: Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, Mew, Mewtwo


Kami's rating:

Remake (Gen III)
Pokemon: LeafGreen Version - Game Boy Advance
The Female Protagonist: Leaf
Water Starter Pokemon's final evolution: Blastoise
Grass Starter Pokemon's final evolution: Venusaur
Professor Oak:
Criminal Organisation: Team Rocket
Battle Sequence:
Map of Kanto:
The Region Kanto

Pokémon FireRed Version - Game Boy Advance
The Male Protagonist: Red![]()
Fire Starter Pokemon's final evolution: Charizard
The Rival: Blue
A legendary Pokemon: Mewtwo
Pallet Town:
The Indigo Pleateau:
Kami's rating:

Generation II
Pokemon: Gold Version - Game Boy Color
The Protagonist: Gold
Fire Starter Pokemon's final evolution: Typhlosion
The Rival: Silver![]()
A legendary Pokemon: Celebi
New Bark Town:
Goldenrod City:
Kami's rating:

Pokemon: Silver Version - Game Boy Color
Water Starter Pokemon's 2nd evolutionary stage: Croconaw![]()
Professor Elm:![]()
Battle Sequence:
Map of Johto:
Kami's rating:

Pokémon: Crystal Version - Game Boy Color
The Female Protagonist: Crys![]()
Grass Starter Pokemon's final evolution: Meganium
A legendary Pokemon: Suicune
Whirl Islands:
The region Johto

Kami's rating:

Generation III
Pokemon: Sapphire Version - Game Boy Advance
The Male Protagonist: Brendan
Fire Starter Pokemon: Torchic
The Rival: Wally
A legendary Pokemon: Latias
Littleroot Town:
Sky Pillar:
Kami's rating:

Pokemon: Ruby Version - Game Boy Advance
The Female Protagonist: May
Grass Starter Pokemon: Treecko
Professor Birch:
Criminal Organisation: Team Magma
Battle Sequence
Map of Hoenn
Pokémon Emerald Version - Game Boy Advance
Criminal Organisation: Team Aqua![]()
Water Starter Pokemon: Mudkip
Pokémon Contest Sequence
A legendary Pokemon: Jirachi
The Region Hoenn

Kami's rating:

Generation IV
Pokémon Pearl Version - Nintendo DS
The Male Protagonist: Lucas
Fire Starter Pokemon: Chimchar
The Rival: Pearl
A legendary Pokemon: Azelf
Twinleaf Town:
Victory Road:
Kami's rating:

Pokémon: Diamond Version - Nintendo DS
The Female Protagonist: Dawn
Water Starter Pokemon: Piplup
Professor Rowan:
Criminal Organisation: Team Galactic
Battle Sequence
Map of Sinnoh
Pokémon Platinum - Nintendo DS
Grass Starter Pokemon: Turtwig
A legendary Pokemon: Shaymin
Hours of the Day:
Pokemon Contest Sequence:
The Region Sinnoh

Pokémon HeartGold Version - Nintendo DS
The Male Protagonist: Gold/Ethan![]()
Fire Starter Pokemon: Cyndaquil
The Rival: Silver
Water Starter Pokemon:Totodile
New Bark Town:
Goldenrod City:
Kami's rating:

Pokémon SoulSilver - Nintendo DS
The Female Protagonist: Lyra
Grass Starter Pokemon: Chikorita![]()
Professor Elm:
Criminal Organisation: Team Rocket
Battle Sequence:
Map of Johto & Kanto
The Region Johto

Generation V
Pokémon Black Version - Nintendo DS
The Male Protagonist: Touya
Fire Starter Pokemon: Tepig
The Male Rival: Cheren![]()
A legendary Pokemon: Victini
Castelia City:
Black City:
Pokémon White Version - Nintendo DS
The Female Protagnonist: Touko
Water Starter Pokemon: Oshawott
The Female Rival: Bianca
Grass Starter Pokemon: Snivy
Professor Juniper:
Criminal Organisation: Team Plasma:
Map of Unova:
Battle Sequence:
White Forest:
The Region Unova

Kami's rating:

I loved the Pokémon Games when I was young and still consider it very much fun to play'em. Here I listed all the different generations of games because there has been a great amount of change. In my opinion the games until the 3rd generation Pokemon were the best. After that it got a bit boring and the Pokemon became uglier and uglier. (Diamant/Pearl/Platinum) The fifth generation doesn't neccessarily look better but with it came some fresh ideas.
Well, decide for yourself and enjoy the little nostalgia trip. ♥

Source for the English names that I'm not familiar with: :)
Well, decide for yourself and enjoy the little nostalgia trip. ♥

Source for the English names that I'm not familiar with: :)
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