2014 Movies
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~ A movie that is better than you expect it to be. An understated performance by Nicholas Cage shows that the guy hasn't forgotten how to act and John Cusack is suitably chilling.
Rank: 9
Rank: 9
Vix's rating:

Saving Mr. Banks (2013)
~ Emma Thompson's performance of the fastidious P.L. Travers hits the jackpot for both comedy and drama. A definite must-see movie.
Vix's rating:

300: Rise of an Empire (2014)
~ Beyond the awesomeness of Eva Green, Sullivan Stapleton's abs and interesting military tactics, Rise of an Empire doesn't bring anything new to the table.
Vix's rating:

~ Enjoyed this a lot. Heart, action, political thriller...what more could you want?
Rank: 1
Rank: 1
Vix's rating:

The Monuments Men (2014)
~ The humor works in The Monuments Men but a lot of the movie felt perfunctory.
Vix's rating:

RoboCop (2014)
~ While the movie wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, it just felt lacking in any true emotional stakes.
Vix's rating:

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
~ As much fun as I had watching this at the cinema, I found myself enjoying the dramatic parts more than the action (except for the web slinging - that was awesome).
Vix's rating:

Godzilla (2014)
~ Visually stunning, realistic special effects (considering it's a monster movie) and that scene of Godzilla raining fire into the Mother MUTO was worth the price of admission. But there were a number of plot points that didn't make any sense.
Vix's rating:

~ This movie has its moments (the dinner scene with Pine, Branagh and Knightley is an example of how great this movie could have been it just dwindles into by-the-numbers plotting at the end.
Vix's rating:

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
~ or How The X-Men Franchise Got It's Groove Back. A little confusing, a lot exciting it is still an entertaining ride anchored by excellent performances.
Rank: 6
Rank: 6
Vix's rating:

~ Yes it's Groundhog Day meets Starship Troopers. But what I enjoyed so much about it was the little variations in each repeat. And when the story moved into new territory there was a palpable sense of dread.
Rank: 6
Rank: 6
Vix's rating:

~ Throw logic out the window folks and prepare for slow luscious scenery. Very disappointed.
Vix's rating:

~ Enjoyable if it a little sad that celebrating female friendship revolves around a man.
Vix's rating:

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
~ I didn't know what to expect going in but what I got was a funny, space adventure. I want to see it again. Oh, Marvel. I want a dancing Groot toy. Make it happen
Rank: 2
Rank: 2
Vix's rating:

Lucy (2014)
~ As much as I enjoyed most of the movie, the ending was just so pretentious. Or perhaps I reached the "10%" limit of my brain usage.
Vix's rating:

Into the Storm (2014)
~ Kudos on the special effects. The tornado sequences were outstanding but character development was sorely lacking.
Vix's rating:

~ The chemistry between Thompson and Brosnan makes up for the silliness in this movie.
Vix's rating:

Draft Day (2014)
~ This movie ambles along except for the exhilarating scene during the draft. I probably need to be an American football fan to appreciate it better.
Vix's rating:

~ A series of action sequences barely held together by bad acting, terrible dialogue and nonsensical plot. Stanley Tucci is the only bright light in this movie. Even the robots were disappointing.
Vix's rating:

Dracula Untold (2014)
~ A lot better than I had been anticipating. Luke Evans was really good in this but I wish the movie had been rated R so that the sword fights would have been more visible.
Vix's rating:

Interstellar (2014)
~ As a space odyssey Interstellar is a 10. But it's let down by the melodrama.
Vix's rating:

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