Clone High (Clone High U.S.A.)
list by Nusch

list by ToonHead2102

list by dizzy_claire

list by kgbelliveau

list by Agent Kermit D. Fonz

focused on high school show satire rather than history related jokes
maybe history related jokes not for everyone thought mtv

Update feed

""Makeover, Makeover, Makeover: The Makeover Episode" (part 1) and "Changes: You got a Prom With That?" (part 2) Air date: February 10, 2003 "Stamos! Damn him and his jet black hair and his winning smile! " "

"Created by: Phil Lord, Bill Lawrence, and Christopher Miller Airdate: November 2, 2002 – April 13, 2003 "

"Created by: Phil Lord, Bill Lawrence, and Christopher Miller Airdate: November 2, 2002 – "

"The premise is ingenious: a high school populated solely by the clones of historical figures, who must navigate the usual teen drama while also dealing with the pressure of their historical antecedents. So that’s how you get a dorky Abe Lincoln pining for popular girl Cleopatra while his platonic best friend Joan of Arc secretly pines for him. And also how you get a teen party animal version of Gandhi screaming, “If there’s one thing Mahatma Gandhi stands for, it’s revenge!” It’s a r"