The Hills Have Eyes Part II (The Hills Have Eyes Part 2) (1985)
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The Hills Have Eyes Part II Videos
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Wes Craven hits a wall.
While that description may sound cool or appealing, it’s quite the opposite actually. The first question I ask myself, is why go if you are aware of what lies ahead? One of the characters is Lucy from the first one. She tags along, and eventually everyone realiz... read more
UPC: 014381171624
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" The Hills Have Eyes Part II is a 1985 American horror film written and directed by Wes Craven. The film stars Tamara Stafford, Kevin Spirtas, John Bloom, Michael Berryman, Penny Johnson, Janus Blythe, John Laughlin, Willard E. Pugh, Peter Frechette and Robert Houston. The Hills Have Eyes Part II is the sequel to the 1977 film. The film was produced by Barry Cahn, Jonathan Debin, and Peter Locke. Years after the original massacre which pitted a suburban family against a band of cave dweller"
"19.11. Blu-ray Wes Craven itse oli sanonut ottaneensa työtarjouksen Yön silmien jatko-osaan vastaan vain rahan vuoksi, eikä tuosta nyt kauheasti kunnianhimo tai suuri into näy. Hauskaa sen kanssa on ja tuskin kovin monen muun elokuvan eduksi voidaan lukea kikattava Michael Berryman ajamassa crossi-Yamahaa. Joku voisi kalkkunaksikin luonnehtia. Minusta sellaisenaan riittävän pätevä ja hyvin viihdyttävä elokuva tavalla, johon yleensä vain oman arvonsa tunteva hassu jatko-osa kykenee. M"