Crows Zero (Kurôzu zero) (2007)
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13 years ago at Sep 11 19:48
Just absolute madness. Not madness in the Gozu/Visitor Q sense, but madness in how invested Miike is in the story. Essentially the plot is about a bunch of school-kids who want to ‘take over’ their school. The way they take over the school is by instigating massive brawls in the classrooms and playgrounds and gyms. What makes the film work is that Miike treats this like it is ultimate, serious... read more
Suzuran High School is also known as The School of Crows. The biggest clique, Serizawa Army and its boss Tamaran Serizawa are challenged by a new student to the school, Kenji Takiya. Takiya, son of a yakuza boss, wants to be the school’s ace fighter. But at the advice of Ken Katagiri, a low-ranked start-out yakuza, Takiya starts to muster together a gang of his own. And as he grows into a true leader, he must face an ultimate battle with Serizawa’s gang. Through Serizawa and Takiya’s battle, director Takahashi shows not only his unique aesthetics for violence but also the true meaning of charisma, friendship, and leadershi
... (more)
Release date: 27 October 2007
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"Los live action tienen fama de malas películas ya sea por que no adaptan bien el material original o por que simplemente no cumplen como película pero he aquí una excepción. Esta película no solo cumple como tal sino que también adapta el estilo del manga aquí vemos como desde lo visual hasta lo argumental se traslada al la gran pantalla. Pero en fin hablemos de la historia en un principio nos vemos metidos en lo que sera lo que veremos toda la película, los jóvenes delincuentes de jap"
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