Kes (1969)
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Kes - imdb review
If you are not from the north of England you may have difficulty with the dialogue in this film but don't let it put you off this is a masterpiece. The story of a teenage boy with no friends and no hope set in the mining hear... read more
A good movie
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"20.1. Believe it or not, this film is not about a boy and a kestler. It's more about the bleak and hopeless life of a working class lad, his troubled family and the whole education system. The director is a devout socialist, so no wonder. As usual, I don't like the pessimism. I can see what the director is trying to say, but the pessimism is what bites me. "
" Notes: Honestly, it has been a while since I have watched this flick and maybe I should re-watch it again at some point. Anyway, back in the 90’s, I was quite a fan of Ken Loach’s work so I was quite eager to check this movie, one of his very first. Indeed, it is usually considered a massive classic from the British cinema so I had some rather high expectations. Eventually, to be honest, even though I thought it was a decent watch, I can’t say I was really blown away by the whole thing. "
" Notes: Honestly, it has been a while since I have watched this flick and maybe I should re-watch it again at some point. Anyway, back in the 90’s, I was quite a fan of Ken Loach’s work so I was quite eager to check this movie, one of his very first. Indeed, it is usually considered a massive classic from the British cinema so I had some rather high expectations. Eventually, to be honest, even though I thought it was a decent watch, I can’t say I was really blown away by the whole thing. "
"Ensikosketus Loachin tuotantoon osoitti piristävääsi, että hyviäkin lapsinäyttelijöitä on."
" First Viewing Viewing Date: November 6th Via: iTunes Store Plot: A young, English working-class boy spends his free time caring for and training his pet falcon. Rating: 7.0/10"
" Date: 4/3/2019 Viewed: In Class Re-Watch Note: I haven't seen this movie since I was a little kid. It's a good movie with great acting and a well-told story. The movie goes on for a bit long, but I did enjoy watching. Not my favorite movie, but still worth checking out if you haven't seen it yet."
" Notes: Honestly, it has been a while since I have watched this flick and maybe I should re-watch it again at some point. Anyway, back in the 90’s, I was quite a fan of Ken Loach’s work so I was quite eager to check this movie, one of his very first. Indeed, it is usually considered a massive classic from the British cinema so I had some rather high expectations. Eventually, to be honest, even though I thought it was a decent watch, I can’t say I was really blown away by the whole thing. "
" Notes: Honestly, it has been a while since I have watched this flick and maybe I should re-watch it again at some point. Anyway, back in the 90’s, I was quite a fan of Ken Loach’s work so I was quite eager to check this movie, one of his very first. Indeed, it is usually considered a massive classic from the British cinema so I had some rather high expectations. Eventually, to be honest, even though I thought it was a decent watch, I can’t say I was really blown away by the whole thing. "