Howl's Moving Castle (2004) (Hauru no ugoku shiro) (2004)
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Howl's Moving Castle (2004) Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
''I feel so at home.''
When an unconfident young woman is cursed with an old body by a spiteful witch, her only chance of breaking the spell lies with a self-indulgent yet insecure young wizard and his companions in his legged, walking home.
Christian Bale: Howl
Hauru no ugoku shiro(2004), kn... read more
A triumph of technical excellence in animation...
Hauru no ugoku shiro (a.k.a. Howl's Moving Castle) - the latest animated enchantment from esteemed Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki - is based on a novel by English writer Diana Wynne-Jones. This portion of anime is set in an indeterminate period (a cross between Harry Potter, Jules Verne and Alice in Wonderland) where... read more
This movie is a must-see. One of Miyazak

Update feed

"2005 NOMINEE - Studio Ghibli - Hayao Miyazaki"

"Director, Writer and Executive Producer Seen: Watched millions of times. Thoughts: I just love this anime so much I could watch it everyday. I love all of the characters, I love the arc and I also love it because it has romance. I'm also a big fan of the book and Diana Wynn Jones. "

" Directed By Hayao Miyazaki Cinematography By Atsushi Okui"
“What an amazing achievement! This is by far the best example I have ever seen of animated characterization. The expressions and the nuances and the emotion captured in this film are truly breathtaking. I love all of Miyazaki's work, but in Howl's Moving Castle he has managed to take it to a level that to me sets the standard.
It has all of the classic stunning Miyazaki panoramas, rich settings, exciting and unusual machinery, and brilliantly conceived creatures that are often humorous and fanciful. The characters are all very expertly crafted and developed, but what really enchanted me were their expressions and the subtle but powerful ways that he chose to elaborate on their connections and emotions. It is very difficult to describe, but they come to life in such a powerful way ” read more

" "I feel terrible, like there's a weight on my chest." "A heart's a heavy burden." Written by Hayao Miyazaki Music by Joe Hisaishi Cinematography by Atsushi Okui Editing by Takeshi Seyama "

"de 3/10 para 7/10(baita virada) Howls moving castle é uma animação que exala carisma, personalidade, engenho e trama! Sim, algo que eu notei no segundo rewatch, é uma obra que pode parecer confusa mas que segue uma lógica interna bem coerente e interessante desde um ponto de vista meta."