Cruising (1980)
list by SwornShadow

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Cruising Videos
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Cruising for Bruising Entertainment
I actually finished it but struggled through it. Luckily he made up for the weakness of this film with 'To Live and Die in LA'

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" A serial killer brutally slays and dismembers several gay men in New York's S&M and leather districts. The young police officer Steve Burns is sent undercover onto the streets as decoy for the murderer. Working almost completely isolated from his department, he has to learn and practice the complex rules and signals of this little society. While barely seeing his girlfriend Nancy anymore, the work starts changing him. On first viewing the film, Richard Heffner, head of the ratings board, sa"

" A serial killer brutally slays and dismembers several gay men in New York's S&M and leather districts. The young police officer Steve Burns is sent undercover onto the streets as decoy for the murderer. Working almost completely isolated from his department, he has to learn and practice the complex rules and signals of this little society. While barely seeing his girlfriend Nancy anymore, the work starts changing him. On first viewing the film, Richard Heffner, head of the ratings board, sa"

" "How big are ya?" "Party size." Directed by William Friedkin Written by William Friedkin Music by Jack Nitzsche Cinematography by James A. Contner Editing by Bud S. Smith"

" "How big are ya?" "Party size." Written by William Friedkin Music by Jack Nitzsche Cinematography by James A. Contner Editing by Bud S. Smith"

"Rated: R Why it’s rated: Male nudity, violence, subject matter, and coarse language."

"11.5. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Paul Sorvino lähettää Al Pacinon, joka ei ole koskaan imenyt kyrpää, peitetehtäviin, koska tämä näyttää homolta. Friedkin troolailee uhrien, murhaajan ja Pacinon yhdennäköisyydellä niin, että Pacino pelkää olevansa homo ja/tai murhaaja. Viikset pelastavat murhatuksi tai poliisin kaltoinkohtelemaksi tulemiselta. Nahkahomosploitaatio fistauksineen on aivan mahtavaa tavaraa ja on helppo uskoa, kuinka tuo on raivostuttanut kriitikoita, jotka toki esii"

" Directed by: William Friedkin Produced by: Jerry Weintraub Written by: William Friedkin Based on the novel by: Gerald Walker Cinematography: James A. Conter Edited by: Bud S. Smith and M. Scott Smith Music by: Jack Nitzsche Distributed by: United Artists"