Code Unknown: Incomplete Tales of Several Journeys (Code inconnu: Récit incomplet de divers voyages) (2000)
list by ToonHead2102
list by JayTrotter
list by Ruisperkele
list by Kukkakaali
list by Kankku
Code Unknown: Incomplete Tales of Several Journeys Videos
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An average movie
UPC: 738329025120
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"5.1. Onko tämä nyt sitä kuuluisaa tekotaidetta? Haneke on itselleni sellainen kaksipiippuinen haulikko, joka joko laukoo mestariteoksen tai tällaisen yhdentekevän tuokion elämästä. Kamera-ajot ovat toki komeaa seurattavaa, mutta torstai-iltana tylsistyminen on taattua työviikon jälkeen. Lisäksi future filmin Håkan ei ollut osannut malin ja jotain serbikroatian kieltä, jonka takia näitä dialogipätkiä ei ollut suomennettu. Tästä johtuen useampi pätkä tarinasta meni ohi. Kiito"
“In fact, I have actually seen this movie in the movie theater when it was released and I should probably re-watch it at some point. Indeed, after being completely blown away by ‘Funny Games’, I was really eager to see Michael Haneke’s following directing effort, especially since he was working for the first time in France. On top of that, he was working with Juliette Binoche, easily one of the best French actresses so I had some really high expectations concerning the damned thing. However, this movie turned out to be rather disappointing. I don’t know, maybe I was too young at the time to really appreciate it but, in my opinion, the whole thing was just too murky, at least for me. I mean, sure, it was still not bad at all but I really had a hard time to connect with the characters” read more