Boy Erased (2018)
list by ToonHead2102

list by A.M.A

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A good movie

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“To be honest, I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this movie but since there was a solid cast involved, I was quite eager to check it out. Well, my first thought while watching this movie was how polarized our world has become nowadays. Indeed, one hand, you have a whole group of people believing that we should give sexual orientation courses (including LGBTQ awareness) at all schools while there is another huge group of people who believes that homosexuality is actually an illness that can be cured. Seriously, how are we going to make this work? My second thought was that a major issue with Christianity, and other major religions, is that it’s based on a set of beliefs and rules which were established 2000 years ago and while it might have made sense back then, it really doesn’” read more

"Reasons for Prediction: Lucas Hedges, again. The academy loves a current topic representing an aspect American society lead by prestige British/Australian actors. Joel Edgerton is just the kind of director who is hot will have best picture nominated movie on his resume. Results: NOT Nominated for Best Picture ZERO Wins ZERO Nominations "

" DVD- 1hr. 54min. First Viewing It's too muted at times, with a story that doesn't take enough detours into the psyches of the characters, but Boy Erased is an empathetic, deeply felt film that finds the humanity, along with the horror, inside of a dehumanizing practice. This is an, often, difficult film to stomach; Edgerton's achieves an appropriate claustrophobia and oppressiveness inside of the conversion camp that it borders on a thriller. There's also a brilliant specificity to the whole fi"

"directed by Joel Edgerton Australia | USA 2018 Biography, Drama "

"(DISAPPOINTING BUT) ACCLAIMED MOVIE! Review coming soon... *Official Polsko's "Best Gay Themed Movies" entry* "

" Director: Joel Edgerton Cinematographer: Eduard Grau Other Images "