Benedetta (2021)
list by johanlefourbe

list by johanlefourbe

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A good movie

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"15.8. HBO En sitten millään voinut olla ajattelematta käytännössä koko elokuvan ajan, onko Benedetta Paul Verhoevenin jonkinnäköinen Ken Russell -tribuutti. Ilmeisen, muttei tietenkään välttämättä tarkoituksellisen The Devils -yhteyden lisäksi on efektitkin The Lair of the White Wormia. Pidin mm. kuvastosta (sekä kaikki kiva väkivalta/seksi että melko pelkistetty miljöö) ja ääneen naurattavasta järjestäytyneen uskontokunnan rahanahneuden sekä tekopyhyyden kritiikistä, "

" Director: Paul Verhoeven His 17th movie My 8th movie watched from the director This is a wild movie, with an incredible story and characters. From the opening scene to the end I was really into it. I still found enough flaws in it to not love it, and I don't like it when I see a movie with a protagonist who I like ends up being terrible. I did not love the shock and awe of it all, was really impressed by the acting, writing, and editing. Added to Lists: Top Ten Films - Paul Verhoeven"

" Director: Paul Verhoeven His 17th movie My 8th movie watched from the director This is a wild movie, with an incredible story and characters. From the opening scene to the end I was really into it. I still found enough flaws in it to not love it, and I don't like it when I see a movie with a protagonist who I like ends up being terrible. I did not love the shock and awe of it all, was really impressed by the acting, writing, and editing. Added to Lists: Top Ten Films - Paul Verhoeven"