47 Ronin (2013)
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A Samurai Always Carries Two Swords
A fine collaboration between west & east.
This is second in a row for Keanu Reeves, whose movie is attached to easter culture or hi... read more
An average movie
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" First Viewing Viewing Date: April 30th Via: Netflix Plot: A band of samurai sets out to avenge the death and dishonor of their master at the hands of a ruthless shogun. Rating: 6.6/10 Why Did I Watch It? It's a samurai movie with Keanu Reeves. I've been meaning to watch it since it first came out, but never got to it. It leaves Netflix soon so it was an ideal time."
" 15.1. En muistaakseni ole katsonut vuosiin viimeisen kymmenen vuoden sisällä tehtyä Hollywood-elokuvaa, joten 47 roninin visuaalinen rumuus tuli minulle pahoinvointia aiheuttavana shokkina. Tehosteiden ja estetiikan rumuus eivät itsessään edes ole kokonaan elokuvan vika, vaan tietynlaisen elokuvanteon vika. En halua nähdä harmaaksi töhrittyä fog of warin täyttämää taivasta, jossa CGI-hirviöt ja lentävät näyttelijät vetävät kymmenmetrisiä volttisyöksyjä ilman, että kuka"
" Before I saw this I thought it would be typical. It's got a dragon in it, so I'll watch it, right? Keanu did not suck. He was pretty damn good in this. Subtle, even. The story involved him, but was not wholly about him. I really enjoyed this."
"Started Watching: June 12th Finished Watching: June 13th First-Time Viewing: Yes. How: DVD from Netflix. What'd I Think?: Lifeless, long, and boring samurai tale. My Rating: 3/10 Other Notes: NA."