What I wrote about in 2016-2017
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Il film dipinto a mano su Van Gogh è una festa per gli occhi [VIDEO]"

Trailer amd Making of video 0f “Loving Vincent”, first fully painted feature film. An incredible artwork telling the story of Van Gogh life, death and paintings.

Trailer amd Making of video 0f “Loving Vincent”, first fully painted feature film. An incredible artwork telling the story of Van Gogh life, death and paintings.
Mother! (2017)
Jennifer Lawrence nel primo terrificante trailer di 'Mother!'

A creepy atmosphere and Jennifer Lawrence voiceover introduce the audience into Mother!, the new thriller directed by Darren Aronofsky.

A creepy atmosphere and Jennifer Lawrence voiceover introduce the audience into Mother!, the new thriller directed by Darren Aronofsky.
Alias Grace (2017)
Trailer: Alias Grace insegue il successo di The Handmaid’s Tale

After The Handmaid's Tale big success, Netflix will release a new tv series based by another Margaret Atwood's novel. Different stories but similar themes and issues. Even the trailer resembles THT.

After The Handmaid's Tale big success, Netflix will release a new tv series based by another Margaret Atwood's novel. Different stories but similar themes and issues. Even the trailer resembles THT.
Critiche a Jennifer Lawrence: Debra Tate non la vuole nel film di Tarantino

Debra, Sharon Tate's sister, has a say in new Tarantino movie about Charles Manson's Family. And has very rude words for Jennifer Lawrence.

Debra, Sharon Tate's sister, has a say in new Tarantino movie about Charles Manson's Family. And has very rude words for Jennifer Lawrence.
Game of Thrones (2011)
Il Trono di Spade, una serie di incredibile attualità

Politics, immigration, climate change: have you ever seen Game of Thrones that way?

Politics, immigration, climate change: have you ever seen Game of Thrones that way?
Trailer italiano di Fino All'Osso (To The Bone), ecco sa Lily Collins ha rischiato

To The Bone trailer, Lily Collins interview about her past as an anorexic and the anorexia problem in Hollywood while some celebrity mothers fuel eating disorder in their kids.

To The Bone trailer, Lily Collins interview about her past as an anorexic and the anorexia problem in Hollywood while some celebrity mothers fuel eating disorder in their kids.
Spotify: 7 cose che non sapevi di poter ascoltare

Audiobooks, poetry, tales read by famous actors... All you can listen to Spotify (and you didn't know)

Audiobooks, poetry, tales read by famous actors... All you can listen to Spotify (and you didn't know)
Harry Potter e gli spoiler nascosti: gli indizi lasciati da J. R. Rowling

Harry Potter is finally 20! We celebrate with this list of little spoilers that J. K. Rowling left through the pages of the saga.

Harry Potter is finally 20! We celebrate with this list of little spoilers that J. K. Rowling left through the pages of the saga.
Avatar (2009)
Avatar, i quattro sequel: tutto quello che sappiamo finora

Cast, production status, release dates and everything we know so far about the four Avatar sequels.

Cast, production status, release dates and everything we know so far about the four Avatar sequels.
Black Mirror ribalta le regole: la serie TV si trasforma in una trilogia di libri

Everything we know so far about Black Mirror Books, a book triology edited by Charlie Brooker. In addiction, some movies become commercial flop books, and why Black Mirror may be successful.

Everything we know so far about Black Mirror Books, a book triology edited by Charlie Brooker. In addiction, some movies become commercial flop books, and why Black Mirror may be successful.
Colossal (2016)
Colossal: Anne Hathaway è il mostro contro la violenza sulle donne nel fllm più eccentrico dell'anno

My review of Colossal and its hidden themes

My review of Colossal and its hidden themes
American Gods (2017)
American Gods, tutte le curiosità sulla serie tv dell'anno

Everything you need to know about American Gods: the novel, cast, differences between the show and the book, references to current politics, sexy scenes and videos

Everything you need to know about American Gods: the novel, cast, differences between the show and the book, references to current politics, sexy scenes and videos
Jackie (2016)
Jackie, il film "ibrido" di Pablo Larraín e la performance di Natalie Portman "rovinata" dal doppiaggio

My review of the movie Jackie

My review of the movie Jackie

Gli 007 al servizio di “Harry Potter”: come l’intelligence ha protetto il manoscritto

The incredible story of how the british spies protected Harry Potter and The Halfblood Prince manuscript

The incredible story of how the british spies protected Harry Potter and The Halfblood Prince manuscript
Shakespeare difende i rifugiati: il testo del “Sir Thomas More”

That's what Shakespeare wrote about refugees and migrants in Sir Thomas More.

That's what Shakespeare wrote about refugees and migrants in Sir Thomas More.
Nina (2016)
Il trailer di Nina: si riaccende la polemica per Zoe Saldana “mascherata” da nera

Nina trailer and the "blackface" controversy.

Nina trailer and the "blackface" controversy.
Anyone Can Quantum (2016)
Quantistica per negati: il corto della sfida tra Paul Rudd e Stephen Hawking

Review and full video of Anyone Can Quantum.

Review and full video of Anyone Can Quantum.
A list of articles about movie, tv series or book I wrote in 2016-2017.
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