Animes watched in 2013
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.hack//Roots (2006)
This was a surprising solid prequel to the GU games. It was interesting seeing the events before the games while they are changes from the series and games. One is that their are different voice actors in the Dub than the games. Also some events from the beginning of the first game are different abit.
LordDarkrai's rating:
This one surprised me. While it may not have alot of fantasy elements Ghibli known for aside of a few moments. The story is well done with realistic characters and a really good theme making it one of my new favorites from Ghibli.
LordDarkrai's rating:
.hack//SIGN (2002)
This one I couldn't get into when I first saw it a year in a half ago. Now I going to see the rest this time for sure to see if my point of view changes by the time I finish.
On episode 16 so far.
Edit: Finished the series today. I felt it was decent nothing more and nothing less.
LordDarkrai's rating:
Elfen Lied (2004)
Edit: Yeah thinking about it, I prefer the manga to the anime. Parts were handle better there when it get here, still not a horrible anime.
LordDarkrai's rating:
Persona 4: The Animation (2011)
On episode 12 and been watching clips of the dub which seems very good from what I saw. My thoughts so far is for a anime based on the game taking the material to 26 episodes works rather well. It still has the themes and interactions of the characters that makes the game worth it. I give them credit for the main character Yu who the players chose choices for in the game giving him a personalty. Yu's characterization helps the anime having alot of good moments, and very amusing type moments making him a really fun character to watch.
LordDarkrai's rating:
Sword Art Online (2012)
One of the OVAs based on the Shin Megami Tensei. It's quite interesting to watch and worth a watch for those into the series.
LordDarkrai's rating:
.Hack//The Movie (2012)
Thankfully it's alot better than ".hack//GU Trilogy". The pace is much better as it spends time in both the real world and the MMO game to get a feel of everything. One thing that surprised me that you don't need alot of knowledge of the series to watch as you learn about the key elements in the movie without being confused. Than the characters are engaging enough to care about the events. This is worth a watch.
LordDarkrai's rating:
It's at least doesn't have a nonsense moral at the end like Pokemon the First Movie. This one, it doesn't have any character development as we don't spend a good deal of time with the main leads. The animation and the lines somehow felt unnatural throughout the whole time. Couldn't get past it throughout.
LordDarkrai's rating:
One Stormy Night (2005) (2005)
This one really surprised me, it's a simple story where a goat and wolf became friends despite the differences with each side not happy about it. It's done really well touching upon deep issues and animation done well with a right amount of emotion needed in a animated film.
LordDarkrai's rating:
Piano Forest (2007)
I'm not going to say about this one due to spoilers. Go see it, it's really good.
LordDarkrai's rating:
Xenosaga: The Animation (2005)
Suffers from similar issues to the Devil Survivor 2 anime. It should of had a second season to clear everything up.
LordDarkrai's rating:
Pacing was really off in this one.
LordDarkrai's rating:
List of recent shows/movies I seen with my current thoughts on each one.
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