Movies Watched In School
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Watched in Economics. Now my Econ teacher was a lazy prick.... BUT. Let me just say I like him a little better just because he showed this movie in class. DO NOT SHOP AT WAL-MART PEOPLE. HELP SMALL BUSINESS.

kimmolee's rating:

The Dream Team (1989)
AP classes are advanced classes you can take in high school. If you pass an exam at the end of the year, you get credit for that class in college. In my AP Psych class, there was a lot of extra time after the exam and there was nothing to do but watch movies. This movie never really taught me anything, but its about psychotics! Horrible film by the way.

kimmolee's rating:

Another AP Psych film adventure; however, this is actually a good film. And of course I was the only kid in class who knew what it was... Film buff probs.
I really hate this woman. I just had to tell the internet.

I really hate this woman. I just had to tell the internet.

kimmolee's rating:

The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
Watched while studying the elements of poverty in Sociology. Poverty isn't always an individual's fault, sometimes bad things happen to good people.

kimmolee's rating:

Hotel Rwanda (2004) (2005)
Another Sociological endeavor! What better film to watch when studying the effects of racial prejudice (which can turn into genocide when provoked)? Except maybe Schindler's List.

kimmolee's rating:

Promises (2001)
This movie we watched in Sociology as well to explore the effects of religious/ethnic prejudice. Most movies I had to sit through at school I had already seen because of my obsession with film. HOWEVER. This movie I had not seen previously, and now I can say it is probably the best documentary I've ever seen. I've seen a lot of documentaries. It makes me so sad that people have to get stuck in horrible mindsets without ever really trying to explore other alternatives.

kimmolee's rating:

My senior year of high school I took a class called Academic Research and Composition. Basically: "Your going to write research papers about nonsense all semester because you have to learn the right format to site your sources." My teacher decided to not follow the class lesson plan and just show us movies with which he tied some sort of research topic. This particular movie had to do with brain manipulation, and I wrote my paper on the neuroplasticity of the human brain. (Thank you AP Psych).

kimmolee's rating:

Million Dollar Baby (2005)
Another research paper movie. This one is quite depressing, physician assisted suicide... Legal or not? Ethical or not?

kimmolee's rating:

Dead Poets Society (1989)
American Literature. I think this movie has some similar themes to Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye.

kimmolee's rating:

The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
TinTin is a pretty big guy in France, a big part of history of French culture. So it's only fitting to watch it in French class, am I right?

kimmolee's rating:

An American in Paris (1951)
Watched during the musical theatre unit of Drama class. I've watched this movie twice in school. First in Drama II and then the next year in Drama III. The theatre is where I would have spent my whole day if I had any say in the matter.

kimmolee's rating:

Into the Wild (2007)
Ohh the joys of transcendentalist literature. I watched this in American Literature, and I was really hoping for a cinematic masterpiece...

kimmolee's rating:

The Sandlot (1993)
I don't think watching this movie in 6th grade at any educational purpose whatsoever. Not that I'm complaining! This remains one of my favorite movies today.

kimmolee's rating:

I. Love. The Outsiders. This is probably the cheesiest movie I've ever seen, but because I had to read the book in 7th grade I absolutely love it. We were studying memoirs at the time.

kimmolee's rating:

10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
A modern Taming of the Shrew!! Which is why I watched this in English 10 after reading "Taming of the Shrew".

kimmolee's rating:

Miracle (2004)
This U.S.A. hockey team happens to be training to play the Soviet hockey team in the midst of the Cold War... what a good movie for United States History.

kimmolee's rating:

Big Fish (2003)
I cannot, for the life of me, remember why I watched this movie in English 9. That is horrible. I forgot an entire lesson. However this is like one of my all-time favorite movies.

kimmolee's rating:

Saving Private Ryan (1998)
World War II is always a huge subject in any class really. In United States History, we were only supposed to see the Allied forces storm the beach at Normandy in the beginning, but we ended up watching the whole movie.

kimmolee's rating:

Stand and Deliver (1988)
In Algebra II our teacher was gone for a long time, so I had to endure this film. I don't think movies about math can ever really have a good plot... Also, when do you ever watch a movie in a math class?!

kimmolee's rating:

The Holocaust is always a heart-wrenching thing to study. In English 10 we read the "Night", which is equally heart-wrenching. And to top it all off we finished the unit with this film. I will cry. Every time.

kimmolee's rating:

Shrek (2001)
English 10 covers myths, fantasies, and romance tales. You know, the castles, the dragons, the royalty, noble steeds, a quest... Need I say more?

kimmolee's rating:

The Human Genome Project! Its all over this movie and was drilled into my head for the majority of Biology. But this movie makes me think. Imagine if your potential was limited by the DNA in your body...

kimmolee's rating:

Of course you have to read Romeo & Juliet in Freshman English. What other play would you use to introduce almost illiterate 14 year-olds to the wonderful world of Shakespeare?
I just really like this picture.

I just really like this picture.

kimmolee's rating:

God I hate this movie. It is an insult to Shakespeare. It took all of my strength and might to sit through it in Freshman English.

kimmolee's rating:

21 (2008)
I believe counting cards is probability and statistics. Because I watched this in Probability & Statistics. I don't know. Math bores me. Hence frequent list-making and movie-watching.

kimmolee's rating:

kimmolee's rating:

Avatar (2009)
Watched in World History because it displayed colonization of foreign lands. I think. Its always hard for me to take this movie seriously. Because alien-love is wierd.. But no one was really paying attention anyway.

kimmolee's rating:

Freedom Writers (2007)
When I was a freshman in high school, this movie was shown school wide. Probably to instill some good qualities into us. Tell that to the kids that were making out next to me.

kimmolee's rating:

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
Read the book in Freshman English, and then watched the movie. I also remember acting out the courtroom scene with the entire class.... hahhaha good times.

kimmolee's rating:

Smoke Signals (1998)
Another movie I can't remember from American Literature. I really love this movie though... not because I'm totally obsessed with Native Americans or anything like that..... -- check it.

kimmolee's rating:

KIMMOLEE IS NOW AN ADULT. GUESS WHO IS FINALLY DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL?!?!? OR PUBLIC SCHOOL IN GENERAL?!? Uhh.. that'd be me. Now that I am graduated... I don't think I'll be watching movies in college classes. Soooo I have decided to reflect on my years in school and account for all the movies that were relevant with a lesson.
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