Game of Thrones | From Loved To Hated
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It's pretty obvious why she's at the top of the list. I don't think I have to explain!
SɦαŁ's rating:

From what I understand I think Tyrion has a big heart but is forced to hide it since they all hate him for being a dwarf. He has to be rude and mean to protect himself from the others. That's probably why he's nice when it comes to protect and help the poeple who are hurt and defenseless.
SɦαŁ's rating:

This may be strange but I love Cersei. She's such a great character, like an evil witch in Disney movies. I think she's fascinating, she really is a lioness.
SɦαŁ's rating:

SɦαŁ's rating:

Margaery is sweet to innocent people but she doesn't hesitate when it comes to manipulate powerful people. And she's right, that's the only way to be sucessful in King's Landing! I like how strong she is, it's like nothing affects her.
SɦαŁ's rating:

He has a good heart, principles and is a great warrior. What do you want more ? Such an amazing character, he is never boring.
SɦαŁ's rating:

His tongue is as sharp as his knife! He's funny and witty, he's a very good fighter... I don't need more to love him.
SɦαŁ's rating:

She is strong and ready to fight for whatever she thinks is good. She is an incredible mother and wife.
SɦαŁ's rating:

Sansa is only a child and yet she's so beautiful everyone wants to abuse her. Her story is really sad, she didn't manage to find a way to get out and is treated like some kind of slave. She manages to stay strong and fierce after everyting that happened and for that I consider her as one of the strongest character on the show. All the Stark girls are anyway.
SɦαŁ's rating:

Like her sister, Arya is very strong and despite being a little girl she managed to survive. Either on her own or with allies she made. She's very clever and always find a way out, she always takes advantage of the situation.
SɦαŁ's rating:

She's witty and funny, she is protecting her family and takes no shit. How could you not like her?
SɦαŁ's rating:

I think Stannis would have been a great king, he seems to have a great heart and wants to protect the ones he loves but he's ready to take the worst decisions. The relationship he has with his daugter makes me really emotionnal.
SɦαŁ's rating:

If she was my friend, I'd trust her with all my heart and always listen to what she has to say. She seems to have such a big heart.
SɦαŁ's rating:

She's cute, smart and has a big heart. I love her, she's probably my favorite little girl from a tv show.
SɦαŁ's rating:

I still don't know what are her plans, and that's what makes her so interesting. We have no idea what are her plans.
SɦαŁ's rating:

I don't know about him.. He's interesting but now that Arya is with him he's boring...
SɦαŁ's rating:

It's like Jon ... A bit boring but a kind woman with principles. Great warrior who only kills those who deserves it. She managed to make Jaime likes her and that's not easy.
SɦαŁ's rating:

Jon is a really nice guy, he's kinda mister perfect, he's trying to never make a mistake and always do what's goood ... it's a bit boring. Also, I can't stand his hair anymore.
SɦαŁ's rating:

More and more useless, less and less interesting but he's soooo hot in season 5. It's just eye candy.
SɦαŁ's rating:

Jorah was awesome and suddenly he wasn't awesome anymore. Maybe he was too jealous.
SɦαŁ's rating:

His face and his plans start to annoy me, I loved him in the first seasons but now I can't stand him. Probably because of what he's doing to Sansa.
SɦαŁ's rating:

I never trusted him, I never liked him I even was happy when he got tortured by Ramsay.
SɦαŁ's rating:

That's the most terrifying character I've ever watched. Even the actor scares me, I saw him once in another movie and got chills. I could barely watch the screen. I think it means that's a good character and a good actor but I'm kinda traumatised.
SɦαŁ's rating:

The ones who are not on the list are the one I really don't care and don't even notice their existence. I forgot to add them for that reason.
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