The Greatest level in Games I've played!
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God of War II - PlayStation 2
The Great Chasm

This awesome, and long, chapter starts off when you meet Icarus. After when he refuses to let you pass, he jumps on you and drags you down to the Great Chasm with him. Fight or flight? Actually both! After 3 minutes of button bashing, Kratos acquires a new inventory: Icarus' Wings and it proves to be very worthy later in the game.

But, of course, the main thing starts off when you land on Atlas's nose. Flight is very important in this chapter and you also seem to go 'inside' Atlas, although I'm not too sure about it. Anyway, this also marks the first time you actually battle the Petrified Minotaur after having countless mini-battles with him.

I had many of my most 'epic' moments in this chapter and the only one I had the most fun in completing. Also, you find the Urn of Prometheus here. After when you go through various obstacles, you meet face-to-face or rather eye-to-body with the mighty Atlas himself. Just in case you're wondering, he is voiced by none other than Michael Clarke Duncan. Atlas is one of the few characters who tries to squish Kratos but, being a complete bad-ass, manages to escape and this is where the longest cut-scene ever happens (probably second only to the opening cut-scene)

After when Kratos convinces Atlas (or maybe the other way around), Atlas gives Kratos probably the best power-up ever in this game or the previous: The Atlas Quake! A devastating move of sheer power and destruction. When I played it for the first time, I used this power-up for every small soldier that appeared!

The chapter ends in the reverse of the opening: The opening shows Atlas closing the opening (what an oxymoron) with his giant hand and in the ending, he let's go! Atlas then raises Kratos above and this is where a cinematic cut-scene happens and the mighty Great Chasm chapter is finally over!

Happy Vader's rating:

SkyRoads - PC Games
Satellite - Road 2
SkyRoads is a simple, yet addictive, space-adventure-puzzle game which doesn't require anything strenuous or too much thinking; Just quick reaction-time and correct timing and come to think of it, it's still not much. Do you know that each road, if played at a decent speed, takes between 20-45 seconds to finish? Have you ever heard of a game which can keep you hooked only for 20 seconds? No, me neither!
Satellite Road 2 is the perfect road and easily, one of the most challenging. The gravity is at it's lowest (100) and that means the jumps are very high. So obviously, the space between one platform and the other is long and one can have many great moments here. Also I read somewhere that this is one of the most recognizable levels from this game and I agree!
Starts at 0:42
Happy Vader's rating:

Spider-Man - PlayStation
Spidey vs. Monster-Ock
Although it's rather cruel to include the very last level in the game, I personally think that this level alone solidifies the 'great' status of this title and separates it from the others in the never-ending Spider-Man game series.

Right after the battle with Carnage, the symbiote is shown leaving Cletus Kasady's body and, in his usual manner, Spidey is congratulating himself in 3rd person POV... and then it happens...

The tentacles of the newly transformed Doc Ock appears and pulls Spidey down. As he is still figuring out what the hell just happened, Monster-Ock finishes off the cut-scene with a classic walk and a memorable roar!

Now, even though it's labeled as a 'boss fight', it's not much of a fight; it's more of a flee of terror. Of course, who would wanna stop and trade punches with this creature? Anyway, the ominous chant of Krie, you kroy, krie or whatever it is only makes the already tense atmosphere more chilling, more scary on a Silent Hill level!
What a great level!
Happy Vader's rating:

Project IGI: I'm Going In - PC Games
Mission 10: Defend Priboi
Prjoect I.G.I is a first-person shooter game with realistic movements and an addictive storyline. It was given to me by my father and I simply loved it straight from the first mission. The levels, or rather 'missions', are really great though and many of them are a mix between Metal Gear Solid and GTA: San Andreas with a little bit of Battlefield: Modern Combat

Jach Priboi accompanies you in this mission and you gotta defend him throughout the whole level and then you have to place the proxitymine. My most favourite part is when you enter the warehouse. There's nothing much to say here except that this mission, out of all, is the most fun and easy to finish and the graphics are not bad at all!
Happy Vader's rating:

Disney/Pixar's Toy Story Racer - PlayStation
Andy's house
Again, not a level but rather a track. Anyway, the game, based on the Toy Story franchise is one of the best PS1 games ever released. I never had so much childish fun while playing this game and if you have a PS1 or want to play a feel-good game, then this one is recommended!

The graphics were good and the camera movements are very smooth. The cars-battling-against-each-other-with-weapons have been coming for a long time but none has been more addictive as Toy Story Racer. Like the title says, you race around Andy's house from Toy Story 2 which includes the kitchen, stairs, living room and the attic.

Happy Vader's rating:

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - PlayStation 2
Black Project
Each and every mission or side-mission is superb and brilliantly choreographed but The Black Project really is the silver lining. This mission is very Metal Gear Solid-esque and requires, well, a-lot of stealth and steady-footing but only true gamers will go in bashing like a crazy loon (admit it, you've done it at least once) I didn't even bother shooting out the skylights or killing the security guards silently with a sniper... just recklessly rushed in and guess what? I did it in the first take!

After being surprised by The Truth, a hippie, Carl must crawl to a top-secret base(ment) and snatch a black project, like the name says, for him. This was supposed to be very suspense-ish because you don't know what it is and frankly speaking, I was thinking it might be some liquid or something but, to my utter disappointment, I found this:

Seriously, this is the cutting edge technology The Truth wants? I've been using the jet-pack since level one and you can say that I kinda debased myself. Anyhow, this was supposed to be a very great moment for newbies but I guess I kinda cracked at those game-cheat books a little too early but that's OK! They quickly redeemed themselves by this:

It looked like a movie scene! This is one of the best factors. After when you escape, you fly all the way up to Tierra Robada and drop it at the safe-point. Mission over!
Happy Vader's rating:

Need for Speed II: Special Edition - PC Games
North Country

Although strictly speaking, North Country is not a level but rather a track that's already unlocked. I chose this because, out of all, this was the most beautiful and greatly defined track of all. Also at the same time, being one of the difficult because of it's hard turns and tunnels!

Even though the graphics are nothing to get all jumpy about, they sure were great for 1997. All in all, the one and only track in this game that deserves to go back to!
The actual track starts off at 11:55
Happy Vader's rating:

God of War - PlayStation 2
The Desert of Lost Souls
When I played this game for the first time and when Desert of Lost Souls came onscreen, I knew I was in for some serious adventure and I was right about that. Till that point, the game was very intriguing, challenging even and, frankly speaking, quite long. But this chapter gave me no reason to put my controller down and call it quits. I finished it in one take and boy, did I have fun!

After a talk with Athena, a cut-scene shows the seemingly endless desert with a few shots of hard-to-see 'villages' and then Cronos; doomed to wander the desert all the while being chained to the Pandora's Temple like some life source. Stopping only to look into the camera for 3 seconds, he continues! This is one of my personal favourite cut-scenes from the game!

Finding the Sirens was hard in all that chaos. As if that wasn't enough, I even encountered some Minotaurs and frankly speaking, being stalked by a fearsome creature in a place where you can barely see your own hand is, well, quite frightening. Anyway, you better turn your volume to the max and listen for the Siren music and kill them. After when that's done, enter the newly opened place and truth be told, here it gets a little boring, you know, with the undead soldiers and all. But nevertheless it still remains great to the finish!

Now that you've climbed the mighty Cronos, the chapter is over!
Happy Vader's rating:

Marvel Ultimate Alliance - PlayStation 2

Every now and then comes a game which you think has finally done justice to that particular subject (ex: Brutal Legend for heavy metal music). In this case, Marvel Comics. Pitting a team of heroes against colourful villains with a rather intricate storyline set in the Marvel-Universe.
After the end of Act 1, you seek sanctuary in your new hideout called "Sanctum Santorium" which is owned by Dr. Strange. After what seems like a portal leading directly to Doom's castle, you are instead transported to Muderworld, a 'world' controlled by the villain, Arcade. This chapter is filled with many characters, bonuses, secrets and side-missions and that's exactly the reason why I love this chapter out of all!
Since I was playing with Wolverine, I managed to do some pretty sick moves and truly leveled him to the max and beat those pesky villains silly. The funniest part is when you get sucked in a 70's style side-scrolling arcade game. But the happiness doesn't last long: the controls are glitchy and awkward and one may be reminded of Lester the Unlikely. All in all, this is mostly a rock-em, sock-em sorta chapter will involves a-lot of 'doodling' around, looking for stuff and freeing side characters like Senator Kelly & Blade.

The most redeeming feature is the "Pinball" section and, to some extend, the first-half of the "Funhouse" section but, I will argue, the boss battle with Arcade himself was very disappointing.
Happy Vader's rating:

Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro - PlayStation
Spidey vs. Lizard
Anytime the word 'vs.' comes up, better get ready for some good, 5-minute action! Anyway, Enter Electro was much better and much darker than it's predecessor. The ability to finally walk on street-level was the No. 1 point here. The graphics were better and the characters were more greatly defined and it was quite scary in places.
Even though The Lizard appears in the first game as an interactive character, you fight him in this game. The cut-scene couldn't be more spine-chilling: After getting a disturbing phone-call from Dr. Connors, Spidey decides to investigate his apartment and to his, and our, shock, appears The Lizard from nowhere. Any villain who surprises and scares Spidey to a room (elevator?) deserves to be treated with respect... and fear!
+ The endless, never-ending grin of The Lizard always gave me the spooks
Happy Vader's rating:

Spider-Man: Friend or Foe - PlayStation 2
Tokyo Part 3: Rooftops
Friend or Foe is one of the only 3 Spider-Man titles I enjoy. Filled with exciting characters, a good storyline, gorgeous graphics and memorable boss battles, this game is here to stay for a long time. The downfall is that it's kinda short. If played properly, you can finish it in a day-and-a-quarter. Anyway, I recommend buying this and believe me, it's tons better than Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, which was released around the same time!

Anyway, on to the game: Right after you battle Doc Ock (Secret Lab), he joins your side and you travel to the Rooftops of Tokyo. I kinda feel guilty of choosing a level that comes so starting of the game and leaving out all the others that follow, but I personally think this is the most beautiful out of all. The night-setting and the blue/green hue is brilliant. I chose Doc Ock, one of the only two character I like (other being Scorpion) as my main character and completely kicked those metal butts with this tentacles.
The only downfalls in the levels are that they are very short; 10 minutes flat, 8 even (if played fast) but nevertheless, Tokyo Rooftops deserves to go back to!
Happy Vader's rating:

CTR: Crash Team Racing - PlayStation
Sewer Speedway
No, this game is not unique; This is one of those "been there, done that". What actually sets this game apart from most other games in the same vein is the music. It's very catchy and immediately reels you in and, of course, the exciting characters and power-ups.
Sewer Speedway is Fake Crash's track and the most energetic. Like the name says, the track is set in a sewer but unlike the one you think it is: It has a massive jump and two rolling barrels. Oh man, I've been squashed under those oh-so many times. To me this track was very reminiscent of the Toxic Dump track from Hot Wheels: Extreme Racing. Anyway, if you do get your hands on a copy of this game, do remember to play this track first!
Happy Vader's rating:

Hot Wheels: Extreme Racing - PlayStation
The Wasted Forest
Based on the wildly popular Hot Wheels die-cast models, Extreme Racing is just about one of the best drive-fight games I've played. The graphics were not bad at all, considering it's 2001 and the unique feature is the ability to transform your vehicle during a race through portals. Well, I can't really say much about this level except that it has more twists and turns than a M. Night Shyamalan movie and the background is very apocalyptic and menacing. The Wasted Forest gives a pretty good challenge to beginners out there!
Happy Vader's rating:

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat - PlayStation 2
Mission 5: Metal Island
I've played a few War-themed games but none is as great as Modern Combat! This game is a thumbs-up-I-suggest-you-play type of game and doesn't disappoint one bit... wait, who am I kidding: the only disappointing factor is that it's too short but other than that, everything is just awesome! The no. 1 factor is the Hotswap feature which I think should exist in every game from now on. Loved it!
Metal Island may sound like a getaway for headbangers but, sadly, it's not! It's a rather tense, nail-biting mission in which you have to secure an oil-rig and a small island from invaders. You spawn on the oil-rig and before you know it, POOF! the invaders come from nowhere! This level requires a-lot of Hotswapping and quick fireplay and it also has boats which serve as the main transportation between the rig and the island. For a more epic feeling, how about swimming all the way?
After securing the rig, you have to secure the island and it gets pretty much dull here but things go back on track again when you have to secure the rig once more. This time, the helo's join the fray and you get to use the FIM-92 Stingers to shoot them down.
I mostly stayed on the upper part of the rig and did all the shooting there and when it was time for the island, I just used the missiles from the boat. The helicopters are very easy to track and destroy and probably the worst part is this; just as soon as you are getting the hang of it or beginning to enjoy yourself... the mission is OVER!
Happy Vader's rating:

Gears of War 2 - Xbox 360
Intestinal Fortitude
Probably the most sickest, brutal, goriest, violent level in this game, or any game for that matter, ever!
The Rift-Worm, ladies and gentlemen, has devoured you and your small army inside. Could it go any worse? You also witness Carmine's death. You also literally see a whole city inside the Rift-Worm! Anyway, 3-4 minutes into the game, a giant debris wall is coming after you and you gotta escape it, Raiders-style but, unlike Raiders, you have to cut open walls, membranes, stomachs and what not? and as for the whole destroying the arteries of the hearts... distasteful!
All in all, this level is very sick and the graphics / animation is just pure AWESOME!
Why the HELL am I ranking it the best level? Ha, because it is!

Happy Vader's rating:

Hercules - PlayStation
The Hydra Canyon
Man, this game is one of the few that made my childhood. I absolutely devoured this game and I wonder why didn't/doesn't it receive it's spotlight? If you ask me, the game is better than the Disney animation from which it's based on. I'm a massive sucker for side-scrolling games and Hercules is one of the better side-scrolling games I've ever played. The graphics are amazing, the levels are very fun and easy to finish and the dialogues are also good!
However, the boss battle with Hydra is one of the reason why boss battles should be respected and taken your time with. I guess this is just about everyone's favourite level out of all. It's a cross between Castlevania, Golden Axe and God of War (which, ironically, was released 8 years after; it even has a boss battle with Hydra. I mean seriously, both the boss battles are very similar)
Although the battle is not mythologically correct, it nevertheless was entertaining. Don't you know what happens in the original mythology?!?!?!
Happy Vader's rating:

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