Game of Thrones Cast - Season 1
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House Stark
House Stark, retainers and bannermen

Sean Bean as Lord Eddard Stark
Michelle Fairley as Lady Catelyn Stark
Richard Madden as Robb Stark (Young Wolf)
Kit Harington as Jon Snow (The Bastard)
Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark
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Maisie Williams as Arya Stark
Isaac Hempstead-Wright as Bran Stark
Art Parkinson as Rickon Stark
Alfie Allen as Theon Greyjoy
Donald Sumpter as Maester Luwin
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Ron Donachie as Ser Rodrik Cassell
Jamie Sives as Jory Cassell
Clive Mantle as Jon Umber (The Greatjon)
Mark Coney as Galbart Glover
Steven Blount as Rickard Karstark
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Miltos Yerolemou as Syrio Forel
Susan Brown as Septa Mordane
Margaret John as Old Nan
Kristian Nairn as Hodor
Matalia Tena as Osha

House Baratheon
House Baratheon, bannermen, and King's Small Council

Mark Addy as King Robert Baratheon
Lena Headey as Queen Cersei Lannister
Jack Gleeson as Prince Joffrey Baratheon
Aimee Richardson as Princess Myrcella Baratheon
Callum Wharry as Prince Tommen Baratheon
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Gethen Anthony as Lord Renly Baratheon
Ian McElhinney as Ser Barriston Selmy (Barristan the Bold)
Aidan Gillen as Lord Petyr Baelish (Littlefinger)
Conleth Hill as Lord Varys (The Spider)
Julian Glover as Grand Maester Pycelle
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Ian Beattie as Ser Meryn Trant
Wilko Johnson as Ser Ilyn Payne (The King's Justice)
Finn Jones as Ser Loras Tyrell (The Knight of Flowers)

House Lannister
House Lannister, retainers and bannermen

Charles Dance as Lord Tywin Lannister
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Ser Jaime Lannister (The Kingslayer)
Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister (The Imp)
Ian Gelder as Ser Kevan Lannister
Eugene Simon as Lancel Lannister
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Conan Stevens as Ser Gregor Clegane (The Mountain that Rides)
Rory McCann as Sandor Clegane (The Hound)
Jerome Flynn as Bronn
Mark Lewis Jones as Shagga
Sibel Kekilli as Shae

House Arryn
House Arryn, retainers and bannersmen

John Standing as Lord Jon Arryn
Kate Dickie as Lady Lysa Arryn
Lino Facioli as Robin (Robert) Arryn
Brendan McCormack as Ser Vardis Egen
Jefferson Hall as Ser Hugh of the Vale
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Emun Elliot as Marillion the Minstrel
Ciaran Bermingham as Mord

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"In the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."
- Queen Cersei
Season 2 list in production.

As the Listal member 'Littlefinger' has departed these shores, I felt I should recreate his helpful list that broke down the many characters of Game of Thrones into their respective houses and groups. If he returns, message me.

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